Class JobFunctions

  • public class JobFunctions
    extends Object
    Provides Job Definition functions which can be called during the evaluation of a job definition.

    Job Functions

    Below is a listing of the job functions which are available for use in Job Definition property values, and in Step preConditions and Action preConditions.


    The formProperty function returns the specified form version property value (String) of the job's starting submission.

    The property function example below looks up a form version property value named 'Managers Group' from the start submission form.

     "properties": [
       { "name": "Task Assign Group",  "value": "$func.formProperty('Managers Group')" },


    The invoke function invoke the specified Groovy Service name, with the given lists of args and return the result.

    The example below invokes the Groovy Service named 'Manager Lookup' passing it an empty parameter map.

     "properties": [
       { "name": "Task Assign User",  "value": "$func.invoke('Manager Lookup')" },

    The example below invokes the Groovy Service named 'Reviewer Lookup' passing it a list of arguments.

     "properties": [
       { "name": "Task Assign User",  "value": "$func.invoke('Reviewer Lookup', $formDataMap.state, $" },

    In the example above the invoke function parameters are passed to the Groovy Service as an args list object. For example:

     // Groovy Script args parameter.
     def state = args[0]
     def email = args[1] 

    The Groovy Service will also be passed the job (Job) and jobAction (JobAction) parameters, of the currently execution job and job action. This enables you to access all the properties of the currently executing job.

     // Job and JobAction parameters.
     def jobName = job.getName()
     def stepName = jobAction.getJobStep().getName()
     def actionName = jobAction.getName()
     println jobName + ' : ' + stepName + ' : ' + actionName


    The previousSubmission function returns the first submission (Submission) of the previously executing step.

    The example below adds a processing status message to the previous submission.

     "actions": [
          "name": "Process Message",
          "type": "Job Process Message",
          "properties": [
            { "name": "Process Message Submission",  "value": "$func.previousSubmission()" },
            { "name": "Process Message Text",  "value": "Your application has been approved." }


    The startForm function returns the job start submission form (Form), or null if not available

    The form task assign message example below uses the form name of the starting submission form.

     "actions": [
          "name": "Application Review",
          "type": "Job Task Assign",
          "properties": [
            { "name": "Task Message",  "value": "Please complete $func.startForm().formName." },


    The startFormCode function returns the form code of the job start submission form, or null if not available.

    The form task assign example below uses the form code of the starting form submission for the review form.

     "actions": [
          "name": "Application Review",
          "type": "Job Task Assign",
          "properties": [
            { "name": "Task Form Code",  "value": "$func.startFormCode()" },
            { "name": "Task Subject",  "value": "Please complete direct debit form." },


    The startSubmission function returns the job's starting submission (Submission), or null if not found.

    The example below adds a processing status message to the job start form submission.

     "actions": [
          "name": "Process Message",
          "type": "Job Process Message",
          "properties": [
            { "name": "Process Message Submission",  "value": "$func.startSubmission()" },
            { "name": "Process Message Text",  "value": "Your application has been approved." }


    The startSubmissionXml function returns the job's starting submission XML (String), or null if not found.

    The example below uses the job's start submission XML data as the Form XML Data for the assigned Form Task.

     "actions": [
          "name": "Application Review",
          "type": "Job Task Assign",
          "properties": [
            { "name": "Task Type",  "value": "Form" },
            { "name": "Task Form Code",  "value": "Debit Form" },
            { "name": "Task Form XML Data",  "value": "$func.startSubmissionXml()" }


    The startUser function returns the job's starting submission user (UserAccount), or null if not found.

    The form task assign example below assigns the task to the initial form submission user.

     "actions": [
          "name": "Application Update",
          "type": "Job Task Assign",
          "properties": [
            { "name": "Task Assign User",  "value": "$func.startUser()" },
            { "name": "Task Subject",  "value": "Please complete update your application." },


    The stepOrPreviousSubmissionXml function returns the submission XML (String) for another submission in the same step, or the previous submission, or null if not found.

    This function should be used where the steps dynamicPreConditions flag and shareFormData flag are enabled.

        "name": "Additional Products",
        "type": "",
        "dynamicPreConditions": true,
        "shareFormData": true,
        "allFormsEditable": true,
        "showPreviousForms": true,
        "redirectNext": true,
        "actions": [
            "name": "Credit Cards Application",
            "type": "Job Task Assign",
            "preCondition": "$formDataMap.productCreditCards == 'true'",
            "redirectNext": true,
            "properties": [
              { "name": "Task Assign Email",  "value": "$formDataMap.emailAddress" },
              { "name": "Task Form Code",  "value": "onboard-credit-test" },
              { "name": "Task Message",  "value": "Please complete the Credit Card Application form." },
              { "name": "Task Subject",  "value": "Complete Credit Card Application" },
              { "name": "Task Input XML Prefill",  "value": "$func.stepOrPreviousSubmissionXml()" },
              { "name": "Task Type",  "value": "Anonymous" }
            "name": "Insurance Application",
            "type": "Job Task Assign",
            "preCondition": "$formDataMap.productInsurance == 'true'",
            "redirectNext": true,
            "properties": [
              { "name": "Task Assign Email",  "value": "$formDataMap.emailAddress" },
              { "name": "Task Form Code",  "value": "onboard-insure-test" },
              { "name": "Task Message",  "value": "Please complete the Insurance Application form." },
              { "name": "Task Subject",  "value": "Complete Insurance Application" },
              { "name": "Task Input XML Prefill",  "value": "$func.stepOrPreviousSubmissionXml()" },
              { "name": "Task Type",  "value": "Anonymous" }


    The stepOrStartSubmissionXml function returns the submission XML (String) for another submission in the same step, if not found the or the job's starting submission, or null if not found.

    This function should be used where the steps dynamicPreConditions flag and shareFormData flag are enabled.

        "name": "Additional Products",
        "type": "",
        "dynamicPreConditions": true,
        "shareFormData": true,
        "allFormsEditable": true,
        "showPreviousForms": true,
        "redirectNext": true,
        "actions": [
            "name": "Credit Cards Application",
            "type": "Job Task Assign",
            "preCondition": "$formDataMap.productCreditCards == 'true'",
            "redirectNext": true,
            "properties": [
              { "name": "Task Assign Email",  "value": "$formDataMap.emailAddress" },
              { "name": "Task Form Code",  "value": "onboard-credit-test" },
              { "name": "Task Message",  "value": "Please complete the Credit Card Application form." },
              { "name": "Task Subject",  "value": "Complete Credit Card Application" },
              { "name": "Task Input XML Prefill",  "value": "$func.stepOrStartSubmissionXml()" },
              { "name": "Task Type",  "value": "Anonymous" }
            "name": "Insurance Application",
            "type": "Job Task Assign",
            "preCondition": "$formDataMap.productInsurance == 'true'",
            "redirectNext": true,
            "properties": [
              { "name": "Task Assign Email",  "value": "$formDataMap.emailAddress" },
              { "name": "Task Form Code",  "value": "onboard-insure-test" },
              { "name": "Task Message",  "value": "Please complete the Insurance Application form." },
              { "name": "Task Subject",  "value": "Complete Insurance Application" },
              { "name": "Task Input XML Prefill",  "value": "$func.stepOrStartSubmissionXml()" },
              { "name": "Task Type",  "value": "Anonymous" }


    The stepOrSubmissionXml function returns the submission XML (String) for another submission in the same step, or if not found the submission specified, or null if that submission cannot be found.

    This function should be used where the steps dynamicPreConditions flag and shareFormData flag are enabled.

    The example below uses the job's 2nd submission XML data as the Input XML Prefill data for the assigned Form Task.

        "name": "Additional Products",
        "type": "",
        "dynamicPreConditions": true,
        "shareFormData": true,
        "allFormsEditable": true,
        "showPreviousForms": true,
        "redirectNext": true,
        "actions": [
            "name": "Credit Cards Application",
            "type": "Job Task Assign",
            "preCondition": "$formDataMap.productCreditCards == 'true'",
            "redirectNext": true,
            "properties": [
              { "name": "Task Assign Email",  "value": "$formDataMap.emailAddress" },
              { "name": "Task Form Code",  "value": "onboard-credit-test" },
              { "name": "Task Message",  "value": "Please complete the Credit Card Application form." },
              { "name": "Task Subject",  "value": "Complete Credit Card Application" },
              { "name": "Task Input XML Prefill",  "value": "$func.stepOrSubmissionXml($job.submissions.get(1))" },
              { "name": "Task Type",  "value": "Anonymous" }
            "name": "Insurance Application",
            "type": "Job Task Assign",
            "preCondition": "$formDataMap.productInsurance == 'true'",
            "redirectNext": true,
            "properties": [
              { "name": "Task Assign Email",  "value": "$formDataMap.emailAddress" },
              { "name": "Task Form Code",  "value": "onboard-insure-test" },
              { "name": "Task Message",  "value": "Please complete the Insurance Application form." },
              { "name": "Task Subject",  "value": "Complete Insurance Application" },
              { "name": "Task Input XML Prefill",  "value": "$func.stepOrSubmissionXml($job.submissions.get(1))" },
              { "name": "Task Type",  "value": "Anonymous" }


    The submissionXml function returns the submission XML (String) of the specified submission, or null if not found.

    The example below uses the job's 2nd submission XML data as the Input XML Prefill data for the assigned Form Task.

     "actions": [
          "name": "Application Review",
          "type": "Job Task Assign",
          "properties": [
            { "name": "Task Type",  "value": "Form" },
            { "name": "Task Form Code",  "value": "Debit Form" },
            { "name": "Task Input XML Prefill",  "value": "$func.submissionXml($job.submissions.get(1))" }


    The userForEmail function returns the user (UserAccount) for the specified email, or null if not found.

    The form task assign example below assigns the task to TM UserAccount looked up from the specified email address. In the example below the input email address is resolved from a submitted form data extract.

     "actions": [
          "name": "Application Review",
          "type": "Job Task Assign",
          "properties": [
            { "name": "Task Assign User",  "value": "$func.userForEmail($formDataMap.managersEmail)" },
            { "name": "Task Subject",  "value": "Please review the application." },


    The userForLogin function returns the user (UserAccount) for the specified user login name, or null if not found.

    The form task assign example below assigns the task to TM UserAccount looked up from the specified login user name. In the example below the input login user name is resolved from a submitted form data extract.

     "actions": [
          "name": "Application Review",
          "type": "Job Task Assign",
          "properties": [
            { "name": "Task Assign User",  "value": "$func.userForLogin($formDataMap.managerUsername)" },
            { "name": "Task Subject",  "value": "Please review the application." },
    • Constructor Detail

      • JobFunctions

        public JobFunctions​(JobAction jobAction)
        Create a JobFunctions object with the given jobAction.
        jobAction - the currently executing jobAction
      • JobFunctions

        public JobFunctions​(Job job)
        Create a JobFunctions object with the given job.
        job - the currently executing job
    • Method Detail

      • formProperty

        public String formProperty​(String name)
        Return the named form version property value of the job start submission.
        name - the form version property name
        the named form version property value of the job start submission, or null if not found
      • invoke

        public Object invoke​(String serviceName,
                             Object... args)
        Invoke the specified named Groovy Service, with the given arguments and return the result.
        serviceName - the Groovy Service definition name
        args - the service arguments
        the executed Groovy Service result
      • previousSubmission

        public Submission previousSubmission()
        return the first submission of the previously executing step
      • startForm

        public Form startForm()
        the job start submission form, or null if not available
      • startFormCode

        public String startFormCode()
        the form code of the job start submission form, or null if not available
      • startSubmission

        public Submission startSubmission()
        the starting submission of the job, or null if not found
      • startSubmissionXml

        public String startSubmissionXml()
        the starting submission XML of the job, or null if not found or submission XML data has been deleted
      • submissionXml

        public String submissionXml​(Submission submission)
        Return the submission XML data for the given submission object, or null if not found or submission XML data has been deleted.
        submission - the submission object (optional)
        the submission XML data for the given submission object, or null if not found or submission XML data has been deleted
      • stepOrSubmissionXml

        public String stepOrSubmissionXml​(Submission submission)
        Returns the submission XML data for the first submission in the current step, if there are no submissions then the submission XML data for the given submission object, or null if not found or submission XML data has been deleted.
        Used where the step flags DynamicPreConditions and ShareFormData are enabled.
        submission - the submission object (optional)
        the submission XML data for the first submission in the current step, if there are no submissions then the submission XML data for the given submission object, or null if not found or submission XML data has been deleted.
      • stepOrStartSubmissionXml

        public String stepOrStartSubmissionXml()
        Returns the submission XML data for the first submission in the current step, if there are no submissions then the submission XML data for the start step, or null if not found or submission XML data has been deleted.
        Used where the step flags DynamicPreConditions and ShareFormData are enabled.
        the submission XML data for the first submission in the current step, if there are no submissions then the submission XML data for the start step, or null if not found or submission XML data has been deleted.
      • stepOrPreviousSubmissionXml

        public String stepOrPreviousSubmissionXml()
        Returns the submission XML data for the first submission in the current step, if there are no submissions then the XML Data from previous step submission, or null if not found or submission XML data has been deleted.
        Used where the step flags DynamicPreConditions and ShareFormData are enabled.
        the submission XML data for the first submission in the current step, if there are no submissions then the XML Data from previous step submission, or null if not found or submission XML data has been deleted.
      • startUser

        public UserAccount startUser()
        the job start submission user, or null if not found
      • userForEmail

        public UserAccount userForEmail​(String email)
        Return the user account for the given email address.
        email - the user account email address
        the user account for the given email address, or null if not found
      • userForLogin

        public UserAccount userForLogin​(String loginName)
        Return the user account for the given login name.
        loginName - the user account login name
        the user account for the given login name, or null if not found
      • containsFuncCall

        public static boolean containsFuncCall​(String propertyValue)
        Return true if the given property value contains a func call reference.
        propertyValue - the property value to test
        true if the given property value contains a func call reference
      • isObjectFuncCall

        public static boolean isObjectFuncCall​(String propertyValue)
        Return true if the given property value contains a direct object func call.
        propertyValue - the property value to test
        true if the given property value contains a direct object func call
      • dispatch

        public static Object dispatch​(String propertyName,
                                      String propertyValue,
                                      JobAction jobAction,
                                      Map<String,​String> formDataMap,
                                      boolean evaluateTemplate)
        Dispatch the function call and return the object result.
        propertyName - the property name (required)
        propertyValue - the property value (required)
        jobAction - the currently executing job action (required)
        formDataMap - the form data map (optional)
        evaluateTemplate - the evaluate function as a Velocity template
        dispatch the function call and return the object result
      • getJobFuncInvokeServiceNames

        public static List<String> getJobFuncInvokeServiceNames​(JobDef jobDef)
        Return the list of job func.invoke service names referenced in the jobDef
        jobDef - the job definition (required)
        the list of job func.invoke service names referenced in the jobDef
      • validateFuncCall

        public static String validateFuncCall​(String propertyValue)
        Validate the job function call property value, returning null if valid or the error message if not valid.
        propertyValue - the property value to test
        null if valid, or the error message if not valid
      • validateFuncCall

        public static String validateFuncCall​(Client client,
                                              String propertyValue)
        Validate the job function call property value, returning null if valid or the error message if not valid.
        client - the client of the job
        propertyValue - the property value to test
        null if valid, or the error message if not valid