Class SystemHealthDao

  • public class SystemHealthDao
    extends BaseDao
    Provides a DAO for the SystemHealth entity.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • SystemHealthDao

        public SystemHealthDao()
    • Method Detail

      • hasSystemHealth

        public boolean hasSystemHealth​(Date date,
                                       int hour)
        Check whether a system health entry exists for a date and hour of the day.
        date - the date to which the system health entry relates
        hour - the hour of the day (1-24, where 1 is the first hour, i.e. midnight to 1am) to which the system health entry relates
        true if a system health entry for the given date and hour exists
      • getSystemHealth

        public SystemHealth getSystemHealth​(Date date,
                                            int hour)
        Return a system health entry for a date and hour of the day.
        date - the date to which the system health entry relates (required)
        hour - the hour of the day (1-24, where 1 is the first hour, i.e. midnight to 1am) to which the system health entry relates
        the system health entry for the date and hour of day, or null if none exists
      • getSystemHealthList

        public List<SystemHealth> getSystemHealthList​(Date startDate,
                                                      Date endDate,
                                                      int offset,
                                                      int pageSize)
        Return the list of system health entries matching the search criteria. We return system health entries whose date is >= the start date and < the end date. The time component of the dates is ignored.
        startDate - the start date; only the date part will be used
        endDate - the end date; only the date part will be used
        offset - the offset
        pageSize - the page size
        the list of matching system health entries, sorted by date and hour descending