Class CayenneUtils

  • public class CayenneUtils
    extends Object
    Provides Cayenne utility methods.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String TH_NODE_NAME
      The Transaction History node name : "transactionHistory-JNDI".
      static String TM_NODE_NAME
      The TM node name : "formcenterNode-JNDI".
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void applyMultipleNameValuePredicates​(org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery query, Map<String,​Set<String>> aliasPaths, String dbPath, String dbNamePath, String dbValuePath, Map<String,​String> valueSet)
      Applies multiple name/value predicates to the Cayenne Select Query storing any generated aliases in aliasPaths for the dbPath matching all of the passed values
      static void applyMultiplePredicates​(org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery query, Map<String,​Set<String>> aliasPaths, String dbPath, Set<String> valueSet)
      Applies multiple predicates to the Cayenne Select Query storing any generated aliases in aliasPaths for the dbPath matching all of the passed values
      static BaseEntity cloneEntity​(BaseEntity entity)
      Perform a shallow clone of an entity, register it with the data context and return the new entity.
      static BaseEntity cloneEntity​(BaseEntity entity, String[] copyPaths, String[] clonePaths)
      Perform a deep clone of an entity, progressing only down the paths specified, register it with the data context and return the new entity.
      static org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext createDataContext()
      Create a new data context.
      static org.apache.cayenne.ObjectId createObjectId​(Class dataObjectClass, Object id)
      Create a new ObjectId for the given data object class and primary key id.
      static org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery createQuery​(Class dataObjectClass, Object id)
      Create a SelectQuery for the given data object class and id primary key value.
      static org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery createQuery​(org.apache.cayenne.DataObject dataObject)
      Create a SelectQuery from the given data object.
      static Object ensureOnObjectContext​(org.apache.cayenne.DataObject entity, org.apache.cayenne.ObjectContext objectContext)
      Ensure the given data object in in the specified objectContext, otherwise refetch the entity on the specified objectContext.
      static org.apache.cayenne.configuration.server.ServerRuntime getCayenneRuntime()
      Gets the cayenne runtime.
      static int getColumnMaxLength​(Class entityClass, String objAttributeName)
      Return the maximum length of an entity attribute
      static Connection getConnection()
      Return a pooled Cayenne connection for the shared configuration return TM node if exists, otherwise it will return the first configured DataNode.
      static Connection getConnection​(String nodeName)
      Return a pooled Cayenne connection for the shared configuration and the given DataNode name.
      static Connection getConnection​(org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext dataContext)
      Return a pooled connection for the given Cayenne data context.
      static org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext getDataContext()
      Return the thread local DataContext.
      static String getEntityName​(Class dataObjectClass)
      Return the object entity name for the given data object class.
      static org.apache.cayenne.DataObject getObjectForPK​(Class doClass, Object id)
      Perform a database query returning the data object specified by the class and the primary key.
      static org.apache.cayenne.DataObject getObjectForPK​(Class doClass, Object id, boolean refresh)
      Perform a query returning the data object specified by the class and the primary key value.
      static org.apache.cayenne.DataObject getObjectForPK​(String entityName, Object id)
      Perform a database query returning the data object specified by entity name and the primary key.
      static String getPkName​(Class dataObjectClass)
      Return the database primary key column name for the given data object.
      static String getTrimmedPropertyValue​(Class dataObjectClass, String propertyName, String propertyValue)
      Calculate and return the trimmed value for the specified propertyValue.
      static int performDelete​(Class entityClass, String sqlQualifier, Map<String,​Object> params)
      Perform a SQL delete query on the given entity for the specified SQL and parameter.
      static <T extends BaseEntity>
      refetchEntity​(T entity)
      Refetch the given entity if associated with a different data context.
      static <T extends BaseEntity>
      refetchForced​(T entity, org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext dataContext)
      Refetch the given entity.
      static Object refreshObject​(org.apache.cayenne.DataObject dataObject)
      Return an refreshed version of the object specified by the given objectId.
      static Object refreshObject​(org.apache.cayenne.ObjectContext dataContext, org.apache.cayenne.ObjectId objectId)
      Return an refreshed version of the object specified by the given objectId.
      static boolean retrieveBooleanAttribute​(org.apache.cayenne.DataRow dataRow, String attributeName)
      Returns a boolean attribute from a data row.
      static Double retrieveDoubleAttribute​(org.apache.cayenne.DataRow dataRow, String attributeName)
      Returns an double attribute from a data row.
      static Integer retrieveIntegerAttribute​(org.apache.cayenne.DataRow dataRow, String attributeName)
      Returns an integer attribute from a data row.
      static Long retrieveLongAttribute​(org.apache.cayenne.DataRow dataRow, String attributeName)
      Returns a long attribute from a data row.
      static <T> T runInTransactionAndUnwrap​(org.apache.cayenne.tx.TransactionalOperation<T> op)
      Run the provided operation wrapped in a single transaction.
      static int selectCount​(org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext context, org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery query, org.apache.cayenne.access.DataNode node)
      Modifies a query to select the number of results instead.
      static int selectCountV2​(org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext context, org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery query, org.apache.cayenne.access.DataNode node)
      Modifies a query to select the number of results instead.
      static Object selectTranslated​(org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext dataContext, org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery query, translator, boolean isCountQuery, Class resultEntityClass)
      Perform a SelectQuery using a SelectTranslator.
      static void setPropertyValueTrimmed​(org.apache.cayenne.DataObject dataObject, String propertyName, String propertyValue)
      Set the String property value on the given dataObject.
    • Field Detail

      • TH_NODE_NAME

        public static final String TH_NODE_NAME
        The Transaction History node name : "transactionHistory-JNDI".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • CayenneUtils

        public CayenneUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • createQuery

        public static org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery createQuery​(Class dataObjectClass,
                                                                       Object id)
        Create a SelectQuery for the given data object class and id primary key value.
        dataObjectClass - the data object class
        id - the data object primary key value
        the SelectQuery for the given data object class and primary key id
      • createQuery

        public static org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery createQuery​(org.apache.cayenne.DataObject dataObject)
        Create a SelectQuery from the given data object.
        dataObject - the data object class
        the SelectQuery for the given data object
      • createObjectId

        public static org.apache.cayenne.ObjectId createObjectId​(Class dataObjectClass,
                                                                 Object id)
        Create a new ObjectId for the given data object class and primary key id.
        dataObjectClass - the data object class
        id - the data object primary key (id) value
        the ObjectId for the given data object class and id
      • getEntityName

        public static String getEntityName​(Class dataObjectClass)
        Return the object entity name for the given data object class.
        dataObjectClass - the data object class
        the object entity name
      • getObjectForPK

        public static org.apache.cayenne.DataObject getObjectForPK​(Class doClass,
                                                                   Object id)
        Perform a database query returning the data object specified by the class and the primary key. This method will perform a database query and refresh the object cache.
        doClass - the data object class to retrieve
        id - the data object primary key
        the data object for the given class and id
      • getObjectForPK

        public static org.apache.cayenne.DataObject getObjectForPK​(String entityName,
                                                                   Object id)
        Perform a database query returning the data object specified by entity name and the primary key. This method will perform a database query and refresh the object cache.
        entityName - the entity name of the object to retrieve
        id - the data object primary key
        the data object for the given class and id
      • getObjectForPK

        public static org.apache.cayenne.DataObject getObjectForPK​(Class doClass,
                                                                   Object id,
                                                                   boolean refresh)
        Perform a query returning the data object specified by the class and the primary key value. If the refresh parameter is true a database query will be performed, otherwise the a query against the object cache will be performed first.
        doClass - the data object class to retrieve
        id - the data object primary key
        refresh - the refresh the object cache mode
        the data object for the given class and id
      • getPkName

        public static String getPkName​(Class dataObjectClass)
        Return the database primary key column name for the given data object.
        dataObjectClass - the class of the data object
        the primary key column name
      • getConnection

        public static Connection getConnection​(org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext dataContext)
                                        throws SQLException
        Return a pooled connection for the given Cayenne data context.
        dataContext - the Cayenne data context (required)
        a pooled SQL connection
        SQLException - if a database connection could not be obtained
      • getConnection

        public static Connection getConnection()
                                        throws SQLException
        Return a pooled Cayenne connection for the shared configuration return TM node if exists, otherwise it will return the first configured DataNode.
        a pooled SQL connection
        SQLException - if a database connection could not be obtained
      • getConnection

        public static Connection getConnection​(String nodeName)
                                        throws SQLException
        Return a pooled Cayenne connection for the shared configuration and the given DataNode name.
        nodeName - the name of the Cayenne node
        a pooled SQL connection
        SQLException - if a database connection could not be obtained
      • cloneEntity

        public static BaseEntity cloneEntity​(BaseEntity entity)
        Perform a shallow clone of an entity, register it with the data context and return the new entity.
        entity - The entity to clone
        the new entity
      • cloneEntity

        public static BaseEntity cloneEntity​(BaseEntity entity,
                                             String[] copyPaths,
                                             String[] clonePaths)
        Perform a deep clone of an entity, progressing only down the paths specified, register it with the data context and return the new entity.
        Note: This method only supports a single level of depth.
        entity - The entity to clone
        copyPaths - The deep entity terminating paths to copy. These must be explicitly specified (wildcards not supported). If a clone path is multi-level (eg 'customers.address') then all levels in the path are cloned.
        clonePaths - The deep entity terminating paths to clone. These must be explicitly specified (wildcards not supported). If a clone path is multi-level (eg 'customers.address') then all levels in the path are cloned.
        the new entity
      • getDataContext

        public static org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext getDataContext()
        Return the thread local DataContext.
        the thread local DataContext
      • createDataContext

        public static org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext createDataContext()
        Create a new data context.
        the new data context
      • refreshObject

        public static Object refreshObject​(org.apache.cayenne.DataObject dataObject)
        Return an refreshed version of the object specified by the given objectId.
        dataObject - the data object to refresh
        the refreshed data object
      • refreshObject

        public static Object refreshObject​(org.apache.cayenne.ObjectContext dataContext,
                                           org.apache.cayenne.ObjectId objectId)
        Return an refreshed version of the object specified by the given objectId.
        dataContext - the current data context
        objectId - the object ID
        the refreshed object from the database
      • refetchEntity

        public static <T extends BaseEntity> T refetchEntity​(T entity)
        Refetch the given entity if associated with a different data context.
        entity - to check
        the refetched entity if associted with a different data context.
      • refetchForced

        public static <T extends BaseEntity> T refetchForced​(T entity,
                                                             org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext dataContext)
        Refetch the given entity.
        entity - to check (required)
        dataContext - the data context (required)
      • getCayenneRuntime

        public static org.apache.cayenne.configuration.server.ServerRuntime getCayenneRuntime()
        Gets the cayenne runtime.
        the cayenne runtime
      • selectCount

        public static int selectCount​(org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext context,
                                      org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery query,
                                      org.apache.cayenne.access.DataNode node)
        Modifies a query to select the number of results instead. IMPORTANT: SQL Server will not be able to execute the count query if the original query contains unaggregated fields in an ORDER BY clause. Do not use sorting in the query.
        context - the data context for the application
        query - a SelectQuery that does not use sorting
        node - data node for the application
        the number of rows returned by the select query
      • selectCountV2

        public static int selectCountV2​(org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext context,
                                        org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery query,
                                        org.apache.cayenne.access.DataNode node)
        Modifies a query to select the number of results instead. This also works on queries with one to many joins that use distinct. IMPORTANT: SQL Server will not be able to execute the count query if the original query contains unaggregated fields in an ORDER BY clause. Do not use sorting in the query.
        context - the data context for the application
        query - a SelectQuery that does not use sorting
        node - data node for the application
        the number of rows returned by the select query
      • retrieveIntegerAttribute

        public static Integer retrieveIntegerAttribute​(org.apache.cayenne.DataRow dataRow,
                                                       String attributeName)
        Returns an integer attribute from a data row.
        dataRow - data row object
        attributeName - the attribute name to retrieve
        the integer value if the attribute is an number, otherwise the method returns null
      • retrieveDoubleAttribute

        public static Double retrieveDoubleAttribute​(org.apache.cayenne.DataRow dataRow,
                                                     String attributeName)
        Returns an double attribute from a data row.
        dataRow - data row object
        attributeName - the attribute name to retrieve
        the double value if the attribute is an number, otherwise the method returns null
      • retrieveLongAttribute

        public static Long retrieveLongAttribute​(org.apache.cayenne.DataRow dataRow,
                                                 String attributeName)
        Returns a long attribute from a data row.
        dataRow - data row object
        attributeName - the attribute name to retrieve
        the long value if the attribute is an number, otherwise the method returns null
      • retrieveBooleanAttribute

        public static boolean retrieveBooleanAttribute​(org.apache.cayenne.DataRow dataRow,
                                                       String attributeName)
        Returns a boolean attribute from a data row.
        dataRow - data row object
        attributeName - the attribute name to retrieve
        the boolean value if the attribute is a boolean, otherwise the method returns null
      • getTrimmedPropertyValue

        public static String getTrimmedPropertyValue​(Class dataObjectClass,
                                                     String propertyName,
                                                     String propertyValue)
        Calculate and return the trimmed value for the specified propertyValue. The maximum length of the DB column underlying the property determines the trimmed length.
        dataObjectClass - the data object class (required)
        propertyName - the data object property name (required)
        propertyValue - the property value to set, can be null
        the trimmed property value
      • setPropertyValueTrimmed

        public static void setPropertyValueTrimmed​(org.apache.cayenne.DataObject dataObject,
                                                   String propertyName,
                                                   String propertyValue)
        Set the String property value on the given dataObject. If the property value is too long for the database column, its value will be trimmed.
        dataObject - the data object to set the property on (required)
        propertyName - the data object property name (required)
        propertyValue - the property value to set, can be null
      • getColumnMaxLength

        public static int getColumnMaxLength​(Class entityClass,
                                             String objAttributeName)
        Return the maximum length of an entity attribute
        entityClass - the entity class
        objAttributeName - the name of the object attribute
        the maximum length of the column attribute associated with the given entity attribute
      • ensureOnObjectContext

        public static Object ensureOnObjectContext​(org.apache.cayenne.DataObject entity,
                                                   org.apache.cayenne.ObjectContext objectContext)
        Ensure the given data object in in the specified objectContext, otherwise refetch the entity on the specified objectContext.
        entity - the entity to check
        objectContext - the object context
        the entity on the same object context
      • performDelete

        public static int performDelete​(Class entityClass,
                                        String sqlQualifier,
                                        Map<String,​Object> params)
        Perform a SQL delete query on the given entity for the specified SQL and parameter.
        entityClass - the entity class to delete (required)
        sqlQualifier - SQL delete qualifier (required)
        params - the sql qualifer parameters (required)
        the number of rows deleted
      • applyMultiplePredicates

        public static void applyMultiplePredicates​(org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery query,
                                                   Map<String,​Set<String>> aliasPaths,
                                                   String dbPath,
                                                   Set<String> valueSet)
        Applies multiple predicates to the Cayenne Select Query storing any generated aliases in aliasPaths for the dbPath matching all of the passed values
        query - Cayenne SelectQuery
        aliasPaths - generated alias paths to be added back into the Select Query
        dbPath - Cayenne database path
        valueSet - values to all be ANDed
      • applyMultipleNameValuePredicates

        public static void applyMultipleNameValuePredicates​(org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery query,
                                                            Map<String,​Set<String>> aliasPaths,
                                                            String dbPath,
                                                            String dbNamePath,
                                                            String dbValuePath,
                                                            Map<String,​String> valueSet)
        Applies multiple name/value predicates to the Cayenne Select Query storing any generated aliases in aliasPaths for the dbPath matching all of the passed values
        query - Cayenne SelectQuery
        aliasPaths - generated alias paths to be added back into the Select Query
        dbPath - Cayenne database path
        dbNamePath - Cayenne column path to the Name
        dbValuePath - Cayenne column path to the Value
        valueSet - values to all be ANDed
      • selectTranslated

        public static Object selectTranslated​(org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext dataContext,
                                              org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery query,
                                              boolean isCountQuery,
                                              Class resultEntityClass)
        Perform a SelectQuery using a SelectTranslator. The resultset is either treated as the result of a SELECT COUNT (CountTranslator, CountTranslatorV2, SelectQueryJoinTranslator with useCountQuery) and the count is returned as a Number, or the list of results is returned (either as plain DataRows, or, if resultEntityClass is set, as that entity) Note that this method currently does NOT support Cayenne's "suppress DISTINCT" logic.
        dataContext - the data context (required)
        query - the select query (required)
        translator - the select translator to translate the query with (required)
        isCountQuery - if set, the query is using a SELECT COUNT expression and the result set is assumed to contain a single number rather than a list of DataRows
        resultEntityClass - the entity class to marshal rows in the query resultset to (optional)
        the query result, either (1) the count if the query is a SELECT COUNT or (2) the list of DataRows if entityClass is null or (3) the list of entities marshalled from the resultset
      • runInTransactionAndUnwrap

        public static <T> T runInTransactionAndUnwrap​(org.apache.cayenne.tx.TransactionalOperation<T> op)
                                               throws Throwable
        Run the provided operation wrapped in a single transaction. Based on ServerRuntime.performInTransaction(TransactionalOperation) This method will automatically unwrap CayenneRuntimeExceptions thrown and rethrow their cause.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the result type
        op - the code to run in a transaction
        the result of the transactional operation