Class NotificationDao

  • public class NotificationDao
    extends AbstractDao
    Provides a DAO for the Notification entity.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • NotificationDao

        public NotificationDao()
    • Method Detail

      • getNotificationList

        public List<Notification> getNotificationList​(String message,
                                                      String portal,
                                                      Date startDate,
                                                      Date endDate,
                                                      String sortBy,
                                                      boolean ascending,
                                                      int pageSize)
        Return the list of notifications matching the specified search criteria
        message - a substring of the notification message (optional)
        portal - the OID of the portal associated with the notification (optional)
        startDate - the lower bound on the notification start date (optional)
        endDate - the upper bound on the notification end date (optional)
        sortBy - the attribute to sort by (optional, defaults to notification start date if not set)
        ascending - whether to sort in ascending order (applies only if sortBy is set)
        pageSize - the page size used in the query
        the list of matching notifications
      • getCurrentNotificationsForPortal

        public List<Notification> getCurrentNotificationsForPortal​(Portal portal)
        Return the list of current notifications for the specified portal
        portal - the portal object
        the list of current notifications