Class SubmissionExtractDataDao

    • Constructor Detail

      • SubmissionExtractDataDao

        public SubmissionExtractDataDao()
    • Method Detail

      • getSubmissionExtractDataNames

        public List<String> getSubmissionExtractDataNames​(SchemaSeed schemaSeed)
        Returns the submission extract data column names for UI table.
        schemaSeed - the schema seed
        the submission extract data names
      • getSubmissionExtractData

        public List<Map<String,​Object>> getSubmissionExtractData​(TemplateVersion version,
                                                                       Date startDate,
                                                                       Date endDate,
                                                                       boolean oldestFirst)
        Returns the submission extract data map based on the template version
        version - the template version (required)
        startDate - the start date
        endDate - the end date
        oldestFirst - whether to sort ascending or descending by age (submission OID)
        the submission extract data map
      • getSubmissionExtractData

        public List<Map<String,​Object>> getSubmissionExtractData​(TemplateVersion version,
                                                                       Set<String> formStatusValues,
                                                                       Date startDate,
                                                                       Date endDate,
                                                                       boolean oldestFirst)
        Return the submission data extract maps (one map per submission containing all data extract key-value pairs as well as some submission information) for a template version, filtered by submission form status and a time period. Note: this query filters extract data if their "deleted_flag" is set to 1.
        version - the form version (required)
        formStatusValues - the set of form status values to filter on (will be used only if at least one value was specified)
        startDate - the start date to filter on (optional)
        endDate - the end date to filter on (optional)
        oldestFirst - whether to return older results (as determined by database OID) first, or last
        the list of matching extract data values maps