Class SystemAlertService

  • public class SystemAlertService
    extends BaseService
    Provides a System Alerting service to notify administrators when significant errors occur.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SystemAlertService

        public SystemAlertService()
    • Method Detail

      • sendSystemAlert

        public void sendSystemAlert​(String message,
                                    String groupName,
                                    Client client)
        Sent TM System Alert error email to the specified alert group members who can access the specified client, or if no client was specified, have global access.
        message - the alert error message line to send (required)
        groupName - the alert group name (required)
        client - the organization to which the alert relates (optional; if null, only users with the global access flag will be notified)
      • sendSystemAlerts

        public void sendSystemAlerts​(List<String> messages,
                                     String groupName,
                                     Client client)
        Send TM System Alert email to messages to the specified alert group members who can access the specified client, or if no client was specified, have global access.
        messages - the list of alert error message line to send (required)
        groupName - the alert group name (required)
        client - the organization to which the alert relates (optional; if null, only users with the global access flag will be notified)