Class SchemaSeedService

  • public class SchemaSeedService
    extends CayenneService
    Provides schema seed related service methods.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SchemaSeedService

        public SchemaSeedService()
    • Method Detail

      • createSubmissionDataExtractMappings

        public void createSubmissionDataExtractMappings​(SchemaSeed schemaSeed,
                                                        List<SchemaExtractMapBean> extractMappings)
        Creates a set of submission data extract mappings from a list of name / XPath pairs. Note that sequence numbers will be generated from the order the items are in the list. Caution: This method will merge the existing mappings with the new mappings, meaning that (among other things) mappings deleted in SFC will NOT be deleted from SFM upon publishing. It does not perform a database commit.
        schemaSeed - the schema seed to add the mappings to (required)
        extractMappings - the list of name / XPath pairs containing the mappings (required)