Class UserBulkImportResult

  • public class UserBulkImportResult
    extends Object
    Provides a bean storing the outcome of a user bulk import operation.
    • Field Detail

      • importedUsers

        public List<String> importedUsers
        The list of user names that were imported
      • skippedUsers

        public List<String> skippedUsers
        The list of user names that were skipped (generally because the user already exists)
      • failedUsers

        public List<Pair<String,​String>> failedUsers
        The list of import failures, consisting of user names and failure reasons
      • error

        public ApplicationException error
        If the import itself fails with a fatal error, this value will be set to the error
    • Constructor Detail

      • UserBulkImportResult

        public UserBulkImportResult()
    • Method Detail

      • failImport

        public void failImport​(ApplicationException ae)
        Marks the import as failed and stores the exception describing the failure
        ae - the exception
      • wasSuccessful

        public boolean wasSuccessful()
        Return whether the import was successful
        true if the import was successful