Interface ITwoFactorAuthenticationService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ITwoFactorAuthenticationService
    Provides a service to verify additional authentication factors (excluding the password) and enrol users for additional authentication factors securely via email.
    • Field Detail


        static final String PROPERTY_END_OF_GRACE_PERIOD
        The "endOfGracePeriod" property name.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • isValid

        boolean isValid​(Object securityToken,
                        UserAccount userAccount,
                        HttpServletRequest request)
        Checks additional authentication factors (not including the password) for a user.
        securityToken - an object containing additional authentication factors, e.g. a one-time password
        userAccount - the user account
        request - the HTTP servlet request
        true if the additional authentication factors were verified successfully, false otherwise
      • getEndOfGracePeriod

        Date getEndOfGracePeriod()
        Return the date after which users can no longer log on without providing additional authentication factors. If not set, no grace period is being used. Note that once a user has been enrolled for multi-factor authentication, the grace period no longer applies.
        the end of the grace period
      • isInGracePeriod

        boolean isInGracePeriod()
        Return whether users can currently log on without providing a token prior to having enrolled.
        whether a grace period is currently active
      • sendEnrolmentEmail

        void sendEnrolmentEmail​(UserAccount userAccount,
                                Portal portal)
        Send an email with enrolment instructions to the given user.
        userAccount - the user to enrol (required)
        portal - the portal (required)
      • sendResetEmail

        void sendResetEmail​(UserAccount userAccount,
                            Portal portal)
        Send an email with instructions on how to reset multi-factor authentication credentials.
        userAccount - the user (required)
        portal - the portal (required)