Class JsAppFormRenderService

  • public class JsAppFormRenderService
    extends BaseService
    Provides a JS App Form rendering service to render the application HTML document.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JsAppFormRenderService

        public JsAppFormRenderService()
    • Method Detail

      • renderForm

        public void renderForm​(TemplateVersion templateVersion,
                               HttpServletRequest request,
                               HttpServletResponse response,
                               RequestLog requestLog)
                        throws ApplicationException
        Render the Form using the given form, template version and XML data to the response.
        templateVersion - the form template version to render (required)
        request - the users Http servlet request
        response - the Http servlet response to render to (required)
        requestLog - optional request log parameter (required)
        ApplicationException - if an error occurs at runtime
      • setReceiptRenderMode

        public void setReceiptRenderMode​(boolean receiptMode)
        This method sets the receipting mode.
        receiptMode - set whether in headless receipt render mode.