Interface ISubmissionPreprocessorService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    FluentSubmissionPreprocessor, GroovySubmissionPreprocessor

    public interface ISubmissionPreprocessorService
    Provides a service that is called before a submission is stored. This can be used for additional checks, potentially preventing a submission from being created.
    • Method Detail

      • processSubmission

        Object processSubmission​(SubmissionDataBean submissionDataBean,
                                 HttpServletRequest request)
                          throws RedirectException,
        Processes and potentially rejects a submission before it is stored to SmartForm Manager
        submissionDataBean - the submission data
        request - the request
        the submission data (potentially modified) in a SubmissionDataBean or form XML text
        RedirectException - to redirect to another resource
        SubmissionException - if a recoverable error occurred, and the user should be able to resubmit the form using the submitted data