Class ClamAVClient

  • public class ClamAVClient
    extends Object
    Provides an ClamAV Scan Engine Virus Scan Service.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClamAVClient

        public ClamAVClient​(String hostname,
                            int port,
                            int timeout)
        Create a ClamAV Scan Engine client with the given hostname and port.
        hostname - the server hostname
        port - the server port
        timeout - the timeout
    • Method Detail

      • scanFile

        public boolean scanFile​(String fileName,
                                byte[] fileData)
                         throws VirusScanException
        Scan the given file specified by the file name and the file byte data, returning true if the file is virus free or false, if it contains a virus.
        fileName - the name of the file
        fileData - the file data bytes
        true if file data virus free, or false otherwise
        VirusScanException - if a clamAV configuration error occurs