Class Lists

  • public class Lists
    extends AbstractService
    Provides a Lists SharePoint web service class.

    Lists SharePoint Example

    The Groovy script example below illustrates using the Lists service to create an List SharePoint web service object. In this examples configuration Service Parameters are accessed via the serviceParameters map object.

     import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.SPClient
     import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.service.Lists
     import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.type.RowData
     // Create a SharePoint client using the Service Parameters map with the configured connection details
     def spClient = new SPClient(serviceParameters)
     // Create a List web service
     def listService = spClient.getLists()
     // Get a List collection map
     def listItemRowData = listService.getListItems(serviceParameters.siteContext, serviceParameters.listName)
     // Iterate through rows
     List rowMap = (Map)
         Set rowKeySet = rowMap.keySet()
         Iterator rowKeyIter = rowKeySet.iterator()
         while (rowKeyIter.hasNext()) {
             def name = (String)
             def value = rowMap.get(name)
             // Use name, value
    • Constructor Detail

      • Lists

        public Lists​(SPConnection sharePointConnection)
        Instantiate the Lists Interface wrapper with SharePoint Connection context
        sharePointConnection - SharePoint connection context
    • Method Detail

      • getListItems

        public RowData getListItems​(String siteContext,
                                    String listName)
                             throws SPException
        Get information on a List's Items.

        Groovy Example

        The Groovy script example below illustrates using the Lists service to create an List SharePoint web service object. In this examples configuration Service Parameters are accessed via the serviceParameters map object.

         import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.SPClient
         import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.service.Lists
         import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.type.RowData
         // Create a SharePoint client using the service parameters map with the configured connection details
         def spClient = new SPClient(serviceParameters)
         // Create a List web service
         def listService = spClient.getLists()
         // Get a List collection map
         def listItemRowData = listService.getListItems(serviceParameters.siteContext, serviceParameters.listName)
         // Iterate through rows
         List rowMap = (Map)
             Set rowKeySet = rowMap.keySet()
             Iterator rowKeyIter = rowKeySet.iterator()
             while (rowKeyIter.hasNext()) {
                 def name = (String)
                 def value = rowMap.get(name)
                 // Use name, value

        Web Service Method

        The Microsoft SharePoint Web Service SOAP Method:

        The MSDN Method Reference:


        siteContext - Provide SharePoint Site context if accessing a non-default site (Optional).
        listName - Either the name or the Id for the List. Id must be surrounded by curly braces.
        Row Data representing the SharePoint listitems fragment.
        SPException - in case of SharePoint error response
      • getListCollection

        public Map<String,​String> getListCollection​(String siteContext)
                                                   throws SPException
        Get all Lists within a specified Site.

        Groovy Example

        The Groovy script example below illustrates using the Lists object to create an List SharePoint web service object. In this examples configuration Service Parameters are accessed via the serviceParameters map object.

         import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.SPClient
         import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.service.Lists
         // Create a SharePoint client using the service parameters map with the configured connection details
         def spClient = new SPClient(serviceParameters)
         // Create a List web service
         def listService = spClient.getLists()
         // Get a List collection map
         def collectionMap = listService.getListCollection(serviceParameters.siteContext)
         // Iterate through collection map
         Iterator attrKeyIter = collectionMap.keySet().iterator();
         while (attrKeyIter.hasNext()) {
             def listId = (String)
             def listTitle = collectionMap.get(listId)
             // Use list id, title

        Web Service Method

        The Microsoft SharePoint Web Service SOAP Method:

        The MSDN Method Reference:


        siteContext - (Optional) Provide SharePoint Site context if accessing a non-default site.
        Map representing pairs of the List's
        SPException - in case of SharePoint error response
      • updateListItems

        public RowData updateListItems​(String siteContext,
                                       String listName,
                                       String updateXml)
                                throws SPException
        Adds, deletes, or updates the specified Items in a List on the specified site. An Update XML Fragment must be provided, as per the original SharePoint Interface (Refer to MSDN).

        An example XML Fragment creates a new item;

             <Batch OnError="Continue" ListVersion="1"
             <Method ID="1" Cmd="New">
                 <Field Name='ID'>New</Field>
                 <Field Name="Title">Value</Field>

        Groovy Example

        The Groovy script example below illustrates using the Lists service to update a SharePoint List's Items. In this example the List Item configuration parameters are accessed via the serviceParameters map object. The updateListItems method returns a RowData object containing added/updated/deleted item details. Eg: Use the loop algorithm in the example to check for generated ID numbers of new added items.

         import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.SPClient
         import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.service.Lists
         // Create a SharePoint client using the service params map with the configured connection details
         def spClient = new SPClient(serviceParameters)
         // Create a List web service
         def listService = spClient.getLists()
         // Update a List's Items.
         def updatedRowData = listService.updateListItems(serviceParameters.siteContext, serviceParameters.listName, serviceParameters.updateXml)
         // Iterate through added/updated/deleted rows in the method call result
         List rowMap = (Map)
             Set rowKeySet = rowMap.keySet()
             Iterator rowKeyIter = rowKeySet.iterator()
             while (rowKeyIter.hasNext()) {
                 def name = (String)
                 def value = rowMap.get(name)
                 // Use name, value

        Web Service Method

        The Microsoft SharePoint Web Service SOAP Method:

        The MSDN Method Reference:


        siteContext - (Optional) Provide SharePoint Site context if accessing a non-default site.
        listName - Either the name or the Id for the List. Id must be surrounded by curly braces.
        updateXml - A Batch XML Element containing add, modify or delete items as per the SharePoint Interface.
        RowData representing the operation result as per the SharePoint Results Interface.
        SPException - in case of SharePoint error response
      • checkInFile

        public void checkInFile​(String pageUrl,
                                String comment,
                                String checkinType)
                         throws SPException
        Check a file into SharePoint from a remote URL.

        Groovy Example

        The Groovy script example below illustrates using the Lists object to check a file into SharePoint using a remote URL. In this example the check in file parameters are accessed via the serviceParameters map object.

         import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.SPClient
         import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.service.Lists
         // Create a SharePoint client using the service parameters map with the configured connection details
         def spClient = new SPClient(serviceParameters)
         // Create a List web service
         def listService = spClient.getLists()
         // Check in file
         listService.checkInFile(serviceParameters.pageUrl, serviceParameters.comment, serviceParameters.checkinType) 

        Web Service Method

        The Microsoft SharePoint Web Service SOAP Method:

        pageUrl - Absolute URL of the document to be checked in.
        comment - Check-in comments.
        checkinType - 0 = MinorCheckIn, 1 = MajorCheckIn, and 2 = OverwriteCheckIn.
        SPException - in case of SharePoint error response
      • addAttachment

        public String addAttachment​(String siteContext,
                                    String listName,
                                    String listItemId,
                                    String fileName,
                                    byte[] attachment)
                             throws SPException
        Adds an attachment to the specified list item in the specified list.

        Groovy Example

        The Groovy script example below illustrates using the Lists object to create a new List Item and adding an attachment to it.

         import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.SPClient
         import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.service.Lists
         // Create a SharePoint client using the service params map with the configured connection details
         def spClient = new SPClient(serviceParameters)
         // Create a List web service
         def listService = spClient.getLists()
         // Create a new List Item
         def updatedRowData = listService.updateListItems(serviceParameters.siteContext, serviceParameters.listName, serviceParameters.updateXml)
         def newListItemId = null
         // Iterate through rows and find the ID of the new List Item the attachment will be added to
         List rowList = rowData.getRowList()
         Iterator rowListIter = rowList.iterator()
         while (rowListIter.hasNext()) {
           def rowMap = (Map)
           while (rowListIter.hasNext()) {
             def rowMap = (Map)
             if (rowMap['ows_Title'] == itemTitle ){
             // or use a different Item detail to identify your new added Item if there is more Items added in serviceParameters.updateXml
               newListItemId = rowMap['ows_ID'];
         if (newListItemId != null ){
           def attachmentUrl = listService.addAttachment(null, serviceParameters.itemListName, newListItemId, fileName, receiptPDF)

        Web Service Method

        The Microsoft SharePoint Web Service SOAP Method:

        siteContext - Provide SharePoint Site context if accessing a non-default site (Optional).
        listName - A string that contains either the title or the GUID for the list.
        listItemId - A string that contains the ID of the item to which attachments are added. This value does not correspond to the index of the item within the collection of list items.
        fileName - A string that contains the name of the file to add as an attachment.
        attachment - A byte array that contains the file to attach
        A string that contains the URL for the attachment, which can subsequently be used to reference the attachment or null if there is no result from the AddAttachment operation call.
        SPException - in case of SharePoint error response