Interface IRenderFormService

  • public interface IRenderFormService
    Provides an interface for render form service.
    • Method Detail

      • renderForm

        void renderForm​(TemplateVersion templateVersion,
                        Form form,
                        String xmlData,
                        HttpServletRequest request,
                        HttpServletResponse response,
                        String targetUrl,
                        RequestLog requestLog)
                 throws ApplicationException
        Render the Form using the given form, template version and XML data to the response.
        templateVersion - the form template version to render
        form - the form to render
        xmlData - the XML form data seed document
        request - the users Http servlet request
        response - the Http servlet response to render to
        targetUrl - the target URL of the submission servlet
        requestLog - optional request log parameter
        ApplicationException - if an error occurs at runtime