Class ComposerReleaseComparator

    • Constructor Detail

      • ComposerReleaseComparator

        public ComposerReleaseComparator()
    • Method Detail

      • compare

        public int compare​(String o1,
                           String o2)
        Compares two release strings. Release strings are of the form x.y.zsp# where the various components are optional. eg. Some examples are 3.2, 3.4.0, 4.0.0sp3
        Specified by:
        compare in interface Comparator<String>
        o1 - the first version string
        o2 - the second version string
        the result of the comparison
      • isLessThan

        public static boolean isLessThan​(String source,
                                         String target)
        Check whether a source version is less than a target version
        source - the source version
        target - the target version
        true if the source version is strictly less than the target version
      • isLessThanOrEqual

        public static boolean isLessThanOrEqual​(String source,
                                                String target)
        Check whether a source version is less than or equal to a target version
        source - the source version
        target - the target version
        true if the source version is less than or equal to the target version
      • isEqual

        public static boolean isEqual​(String source,
                                      String target)
        Check whether a source version is equal to a target version
        source - the source version
        target - the target version
        true if the source version is equal to the target version
      • isGreaterThan

        public static boolean isGreaterThan​(String source,
                                            String target)
        Check whether a source version is greater than a target version
        source - the source version
        target - the target version
        true if the source version is strictly greater than the target version
      • isGreaterThanOrEqual

        public static boolean isGreaterThanOrEqual​(String source,
                                                   String target)
        Check whether a source version is greater than or equal to a target version
        source - the source version
        target - the target version
        true if the source version is greater than or equal to the target version