Class HostedPaymentForm

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HostedPaymentForm
    Provides a credit card payment form.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class

        actionURL, ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_RIGHT, buttonAlign, buttonList, buttonStyle, columns, defaultButtonStyleClass, defaultFieldSize, defaultFieldStyleClass, defaultLabelStyleClass, disabled, enctype, error, errorsAlign, errorsPosition, errorsStyle, fieldList, fieldStyle, fieldWidths, FOCUS_JAVASCRIPT, FORM_NAME, formSubmission, javaScriptValidation, labelAlign, labelsPosition, labelStyle, method, MULTIPART_FORM_DATA, POSITION_BOTTOM, POSITION_LEFT, POSITION_MIDDLE, POSITION_TOP, readonly, SUBMIT_CHECK, validate
      • Fields inherited from class

        controlMap, controls
      • Fields inherited from class

        actionListener, attributes, behaviors, headElements, listener, listenerMethod, messages, name, parent, styles
      • Fields inherited from interface

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Create a new credit card payment form.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addLogo​( logo)
      Add the logo to the form.
      void addPaySubmit​( paySubmit)
      Add the payment submit button to the form, and attache the check_submit click handler. getAmountChargedField()
      Return the amount charged field.
      List<> getHeadElements()
      Return the list of head elements to be included in the page
      void onInit()
      Initialize the form.
      • Methods inherited from class

        add, add, add, add, clearErrors, clearValues, copyFrom, copyFrom, copyTo, copyTo, endTag, getActionURL, getButtonAlign, getButtonList, getButtonStyle, getColumns, getControlSizeEst, getDefaultButtonStyleClass, getDefaultFieldSize, getDefaultFieldStyleClass, getDefaultLabelStyleClass, getEnctype, getError, getErrorFields, getErrorsAlign, getErrorsPosition, getErrorsStyle, getField, getFieldList, getFields, getFieldStyle, getFieldValue, getFieldWidths, getFormSizeEst, getJavaScriptValidation, getLabelAlign, getLabelsPosition, getLabelStyle, getMethod, getState, getTag, getValidate, hasPostError, insert, isDisabled, isFormSubmission, isJavaScriptValidation, isReadonly, isValid, onDestroy, onProcess, onSubmitCheck, onSubmitCheck, onSubmitCheck, performSubmitCheck, remove, removeField, removeFields, removeState, render, renderButtons, renderControls, renderErrors, renderFields, renderFocusJavaScript, renderHeader, renderTagEnd, renderValidationJavaScript, replace, restoreState, saveState, setActionURL, setButtonAlign, setButtonStyle, setColumns, setDefaultButtonStyleClass, setDefaultFieldSize, setDefaultFieldStyleClass, setDefaultLabelStyleClass, setDisabled, setEnctype, setError, setErrorsAlign, setErrorsPosition, setErrorsStyle, setFieldStyle, setJavaScriptValidation, setLabelAlign, setLabelsPosition, setLabelStyle, setListener, setMethod, setName, setReadonly, setState, setValidate, startTag, validate, validateFileUpload
      • Methods inherited from class

        contains, getControl, getControlMap, getControls, hasControls, onRender, renderChildren, renderContent, renderTagEnd, toString
      • Methods inherited from class

        addBehavior, addStyleClass, appendAttributes, classExists, dispatchActionEvent, getActionListener, getAttribute, getAttributes, getBehaviors, getContext, getHtmlImports, getId, getMessage, getMessage, getMessages, getName, getPage, getParent, getStyle, getStyles, hasAttribute, hasAttributes, hasBehaviors, hasStyles, isAjaxTarget, onDeploy, removeBehavior, removeStyleClass, renderTagBegin, setActionListener, setAttribute, setId, setParent, setStyle
      • Methods inherited from interface

        getBehaviors, getContext, getId, getMessages, getName, getParent, hasBehaviors, isAjaxTarget, onDeploy, setParent
    • Constructor Detail

      • HostedPaymentForm

        public HostedPaymentForm()
        Create a new credit card payment form.
    • Method Detail

      • onInit

        public void onInit()
        Initialize the form.
        Specified by:
        onInit in interface
        onInit in class
      • addPaySubmit

        public void addPaySubmit​( paySubmit)
        Add the payment submit button to the form, and attache the check_submit click handler.
        paySubmit - add the payment submit button to the form
      • getAmountChargedField

        public getAmountChargedField()
        Return the amount charged field.
        the amount charged field
      • getHeadElements

        public List<> getHeadElements()
        Return the list of head elements to be included in the page
        Specified by:
        getHeadElements in interface
        getHeadElements in class
        the list of head elements.
      • addLogo

        public void addLogo​( logo)
        Add the logo to the form.
        logo - the control containing the logo