Class RandomFormVersionSelectorService

    • Constructor Detail

      • RandomFormVersionSelectorService

        public RandomFormVersionSelectorService()
    • Method Detail

      • isIgnoreFormVersionRequestParameter

        public boolean isIgnoreFormVersionRequestParameter()
        Return whether the service will ignore the request parameter Params.REQUEST_FORM_VERSION. If set, the service will always return the current form version.
        true if the service will ignore the request parameter Params.REQUEST_FORM_VERSION
      • setIgnoreFormVersionRequestParameter

        public void setIgnoreFormVersionRequestParameter​(boolean ignoreFormVersionRequestParameter)
        Determine whether the service will ignore the request parameter Params.REQUEST_FORM_VERSION
        ignoreFormVersionRequestParameter - whether to ignore the service parameter request parameter Params.REQUEST_FORM_VERSION
      • getIncludedFormVersions

        public String getIncludedFormVersions()
        Return the set of form version numbers eligible for selection.
        a comma-separated list of version numbers
      • setIncludedFormVersions

        public void setIncludedFormVersions​(String includedFormVersions)
        Set the set of form version numbers eligible for selection.
        includedFormVersions - a comma-separated list of version numbers