Class ClientArchiveService

  • public class ClientArchiveService
    extends BaseArchiveService
    Provides a client archive export and import service.
    • Field Detail


        public static final String CLIENT_CONFIG_FILENAME
        The client configuration file name
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String METADATA_CLIENT_CODE
        The name of the metadata value storing the client code of the client that will be imported to
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String METADATA_CLIENT_NAME
        The name of the metadata value storing the name of the client that will be imported to
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientArchiveService

        public ClientArchiveService()
    • Method Detail

      • getImportMetadata

        public Map<String,​String> getImportMetadata​(byte[] importData,
                                                          String newClientCode,
                                                          String newClientName)
                                                   throws IOException,
        Retrieve the set of metadata values describing a client archive that is being imported.
        importData - the import archive as a byte array
        newClientCode - the client code of the client to import to
        newClientName - the name of the client to import to
        a map of metadata names and their values
        IOException - if an error occurs while parsing the import archive
        ImportValidationException - if the XML file describing the client was not found in the archive
      • setNewClientCode

        public void setNewClientCode​(String newClientCode)
        Set the client code of the client to be imported to (relevant only if a client code different to the one in the archive is to be used)
        newClientCode - the client code
      • setNewClientName

        public void setNewClientName​(String newClientName)
        Set the name of the client to be imported to (relevant only if a client name different to the one in the archive is to be used)
        newClientName - the client name
      • postExport

        protected void postExport​(Object exportObject)
        Description copied from class: BaseArchiveService
        Called after the export has been done, and the file created. Can be used to do service-specific activities such as logging.
        postExport in class BaseArchiveService
        exportObject - the object that was passed to exportData
      • processImportFile

        protected void processImportFile​(String fileName,
                                         byte[] fileData)
                                  throws UnsupportedEncodingException
        Description copied from class: BaseArchiveService
        For a given file in the imported archive, the service stores its contents as it sees fit, preserving what it will need to recreate entities later. This operation happens before the database transaction wrapping the actual import to the SFM database.
        Specified by:
        processImportFile in class BaseArchiveService
        fileName - the full file name of the ZIP file entry (e.g. form/TestForm.pdf)
        fileData - the file data of the ZIP file entry
      • performImport

        protected void performImport​(ImportAction importAction,
                                     Set<? extends Enum> importOptions,
                                     Map<String,​Object> parameters)
                              throws ParseException
        Description copied from class: BaseArchiveService
        Performs the act of importing the data contained in the archive to the SFM database. When this method will be called, the caller is expected to have established a transaction, and will also handle errors thrown by this method.
        Specified by:
        performImport in class BaseArchiveService
        importAction - the import action related to this import
        importOptions - the set of import options that should be applied
        parameters - optional parameters to be used during import
      • getEntityName

        protected String getEntityName()
        Description copied from class: BaseArchiveService
        Return the name identifying the individual entity being exported (e.g. for a client, the client's name)
        Specified by:
        getEntityName in class BaseArchiveService
        the entity name
      • exportAuditLogger

        protected void exportAuditLogger​(Object object)
        Create an entry in the audit log when an export is performed
        Specified by:
        exportAuditLogger in class BaseArchiveService
        object - Object of type Client that was exported (Optional)
      • importAuditLogger

        protected void importAuditLogger​(ImportAction importAction)
        Create an entry in the audit log when an import is performed
        Specified by:
        importAuditLogger in class BaseArchiveService
        importAction - ImportAction containing action performed (required)