Class PDFPluginTag

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PDFPluginTag
    Provides a PDF object tag rendering control.

    Please ensure enclosing the HTML page does not include HTML transitional DOCTYPE tags otherwise this PDF will not render.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class

        actionListener, attributes, behaviors, headElements, listener, listenerMethod, messages, name, parent, styles
      • Fields inherited from interface

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      List<> getHeadElements()
      Return the list of HEAD elements to be included in the page.
      String getHeight()
      Return the height attribute
      String getjQueryImport()  
      String getTag()
      Return the HTML tag that will be used to wrap the control content
      String getWidth()
      Return the width attribute
      String getXmlData()
      Return XML prefill data if available
      void render​( buffer)
      Render the control to the specified buffer.
      void setHeight​(String height)
      Set the height attribute
      void setjQueryImport​(String jQueryImport)  
      void setWidth​(String width)
      Set the width attribute
      void setXmlData​(String xmlData)
      Set XML prefill data
      • Methods inherited from class

        addBehavior, addStyleClass, appendAttributes, classExists, dispatchActionEvent, getActionListener, getAttribute, getAttributes, getBehaviors, getContext, getControlSizeEst, getHtmlImports, getId, getMessage, getMessage, getMessages, getName, getPage, getParent, getStyle, getStyles, hasAttribute, hasAttributes, hasBehaviors, hasStyles, isAjaxTarget, onDeploy, onDestroy, onInit, onProcess, onRender, removeBehavior, removeStyleClass, renderTagBegin, renderTagEnd, setActionListener, setAttribute, setId, setListener, setName, setParent, setStyle, toString
    • Constructor Detail

      • PDFPluginTag

        public PDFPluginTag​(String name,
                            Form form)
        Create a new PDFPluginTag object with the given parameters
        name - the non-null name of the control
        form - the non-null form that will be rendered inside the tag
      • PDFPluginTag

        public PDFPluginTag​(String name,
                            String pdfHref,
                            String pdfParams,
                            boolean addObjectTagParam)
        Create a new PDFPluginTag object with the given parameters
        name - the non-null name of the control
        pdfHref - the URL of the PDF to be rendered
        pdfParams - the open PDF parameters
        addObjectTagParam - specifies whether to add an additional request parameter to indicate that the request is an object tag request
      • PDFPluginTag

        public PDFPluginTag​(String name,
                            String pdfHref,
                            TemplateVersion version)
        Create a new PDFPluginTag object with the given parameters
        name - the non-null name of the control
        version - the form template version
        pdfHref - the URL of the PDF to be rendered
    • Method Detail

      • getTag

        public String getTag()
        Return the HTML tag that will be used to wrap the control content
        getTag in class
        the tag name (always "div")
      • getHeadElements

        public List<> getHeadElements()
        Return the list of HEAD elements to be included in the page.
        Specified by:
        getHeadElements in interface
        getHeadElements in class
        the list of head elements
      • getHeight

        public String getHeight()
        Return the height attribute
        the height attribute
      • setHeight

        public void setHeight​(String height)
        Set the height attribute
        height - the height attribute
      • getWidth

        public String getWidth()
        Return the width attribute
        the width attribute
      • setWidth

        public void setWidth​(String width)
        Set the width attribute
        width - the width attribute
      • getXmlData

        public String getXmlData()
        Return XML prefill data if available
        the XML prefill data
      • setXmlData

        public void setXmlData​(String xmlData)
        Set XML prefill data
        xmlData - the XML prefill data
      • render

        public void render​( buffer)
        Render the control to the specified buffer.
        Specified by:
        render in interface
        render in class
        buffer - the non-null buffer to render to
      • getjQueryImport

        public String getjQueryImport()
        the jQueryImport
      • setjQueryImport

        public void setjQueryImport​(String jQueryImport)
        jQueryImport - the jQueryImport to set