Class SecurityManagerLogDao

  • public class SecurityManagerLogDao
    extends AbstractDao
    Provides a DAO for the SecurityManagerLog entity.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • SecurityManagerLogDao

        public SecurityManagerLogDao()
    • Method Detail

      • createLog

        public SecurityManagerLog createLog​(SecurityManager sm,
                                            Portal portal,
                                            HttpServletRequest request,
                                            Integer responseStatus,
                                            String responseRedirect,
                                            ErrorLog errorLog,
                                            StringBuilder logMessage)
        Create a SecurityManagerLog object from the given parameters.
        sm - the security manager (required)
        portal - the associated portal (required)
        request - the servlet request (required)
        responseStatus - the response HTTP status (optional)
        responseRedirect - the response redirect target (optional)
        errorLog - the associated error log (optional)
        logMessage - the security manager log data (optional)
        a new SecurityManagerLog object
      • purgeLog

        public int purgeLog​(int maxAgeDays,
                            int fetchLimit,
                            long maxTimeMs)
        Delete SecurityManagerLog records older than a specified number of days.
        maxAgeDays - The age in days above which records will be deleted.
        fetchLimit - the maximum number of records to delete (only used if > 0)
        maxTimeMs - the maximum time that can be used to purge records
        the number of records that were deleted
      • getLog

        public List<SecurityManagerLog> getLog​(String clientId,
                                               String securityManagerId,
                                               String portalId,
                                               Date startDate,
                                               Date endDate,
                                               int pageSize,
                                               Integer fetchLimit)
        Provides a security manager log search page.
        clientId - the client id
        securityManagerId - the security manager id
        portalId - the security manager id
        startDate - the start date
        endDate - the end date
        pageSize - the paging size
        fetchLimit - the fetch limit
        security manager log list