Class RequestLogService

    • Constructor Detail

      • RequestLogService

        public RequestLogService()
    • Method Detail

      • getAuthenticationService

        public IAuthenticationService getAuthenticationService()
        Return the authentication service (Spring-injected)
        the authentication service
      • setAuthenticationService

        public void setAuthenticationService​(IAuthenticationService authenticationService)
        Set the authentication service
        authenticationService - the new authentication service
      • createRequestLog

        public RequestLog createRequestLog​(HttpServletRequest request,
                                           Form form,
                                           TemplateVersion templateVersion,
                                           Submission submission,
                                           UserAccount userAccount,
                                           String renderMode)
        Create a request log and register it with the data context
        request - the incoming HttpServletRequest
        form - the form which is being requested (required)
        templateVersion - the form template version (required)
        submission - the submission associated with the request (optional)
        userAccount - the user account object (optional)
        renderMode - the render mode (one of RequestLog.MODES
        the new request log entry
      • createRequestLog

        public RequestLog createRequestLog​(HttpServletRequest request,
                                           Form form,
                                           TemplateVersion templateVersion,
                                           Submission submission,
                                           UserAccount userAccount,
                                           String renderMode,
                                           boolean commitChanges)
        Create a request log and register it with the data context
        request - the incoming HttpServletRequest
        form - the form which is being requested (required)
        templateVersion - the form template version (required)
        submission - the submission associated with the request (optional)
        userAccount - the user account object (optional)
        renderMode - the render mode (one of RequestLog.MODES
        commitChanges - commit changes to database
        the new request log entry
      • updateRequestLog

        public void updateRequestLog​(RequestLog requestLog,
                                     HttpServletRequest request)
        Update the given RequestLog entity with the provided server request.
        requestLog - the RequestLog entity to update (required)
        request - the server request (required)