Class OAuth2Authenticator

  • public class OAuth2Authenticator
    extends Object
    Provides an oAuth2 authenticator client that can be used by a transact security Manager to authenticate against an oAuth2 provider like Google.

    Note this class performs standard oAuth2 authentication. It does NOT get the user profile from the authentication provider.

    • Field Detail


        public static final String PARAMETER_AUTH_URI
        The Security Manager Parameter Name for Auth Uri
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PARAMETER_CLIENT_ID
        The Security Manager Parameter Name for Client Id
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PARAMETER_CLIENT_SECRET
        The Security Manager Parameter Name for Client Secret
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PARAMETER_REDIRECT_URI
        The Security Manager Parameter Name for Redirect Uri
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PARAMETER_SCOPE
        The Security Manager Parameter Name for Scope
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PARAMETER_TOKEN_URI
        The Security Manager Parameter Name for Token Uri
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • OAuth2Authenticator

        public OAuth2Authenticator​(HttpServletRequest request)
        Create a OAuth2Authenticator from the given request, security manager.
        request - - HttpServletRequest that contains the SAML Token (required)
      • OAuth2Authenticator

        public OAuth2Authenticator​(HttpServletRequest request,
                                   SecurityManager securityManager)
        Create a OAuth2Authenticator from the given request, security manager.
        request - - HttpServletRequest that is calling the OAuth2Authenticator (required)
        securityManager - - The SecurityManager that is using the OAuth2Authenticator (required)
    • Method Detail

      • hasRequestCode

        public boolean hasRequestCode()
        Returns true if the request has a "code" request parameter. When the SSO is initiated the request wont have a "code" request parameter. The request will be redirected to the oAuth2 login server where the user will authenticate. The oAuthLogin server will then redirect the browser back to the portal/secure/account/home.htm page with the code as a parameter like '/secure/account/home.htm?code=AKLDSFJASLKDJF123213SASDFLKJ234WERSDFTST'
        true if the request has a "code" request parameter.
      • getAccessToken

        public String getAccessToken()
        Performs the oAuth2 authentication. First redirects the browser to the oAuth2 providers auth url. Handles the return callback the gets the oAuth2 Access Token
        the String oAuth2 Access Token that is used to call the user profile information.
      • getAccessTokenEncoded

        public String getAccessTokenEncoded()
        Performs the oAuth2 authentication. First redirects the browser to the oAuth2 providers auth url. Handles the return callback the gets the oAuth2 Access Token
        the String oAuth2 Access Token that is used to call the user profile information.
      • getAccessTokenResponseJson

        public String getAccessTokenResponseJson()
        Returns the JSON response for the Access Token request. The getAccessTone() method executes the oAuth2 url steps. This is a Utility method that can be called after getAccessToken() method call to use other JSON attibutes.
        the String representation of oAuth2 Access Token response. Null value will be returned if Access Token hasn't been returned yet.
      • setAuthUri

        public void setAuthUri​(String authUri)
        Sets the authUri String property
        authUri - the String oAuth2 auth uri
      • setClientId

        public void setClientId​(String clientId)
        Sets the clientId String property
        clientId - the String oAuth2 client id
      • setClientSecret

        public void setClientSecret​(String clientSecret)
        Sets the clientSecret String property
        clientSecret - the String oAuth client secret
      • setRedirectUri

        public void setRedirectUri​(String redirectUri)
        Sets the redirectUri String property
        redirectUri - the String uri to redirect back to transaction manager secure page: /secure/account/home.htm
      • setScope

        public void setScope​(String scope)
        Sets the scope String property
        scope - the String oAuth scope property
      • setTokenUrl

        public void setTokenUrl​(String tokenUri)
        Sets the tokenUri String property
        tokenUri - the String uri for requesting the oAuth token