Class JsAppDeployService

  • public class JsAppDeployService
    extends Object
    Provides a JS App type deployment service.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JsAppDeployService

        public JsAppDeployService()
    • Method Detail

      • deploy

        public Form deploy​(byte[] appBundle,
                           JsAppDeployService.FormDef formDef,
                           Document formXml,
                           UserAccount userAccount)
                    throws IOException
        Deploy the JS App using the specified app bundle ZIP, form definition JSON and form XML data document.
        appBundle - the application bundle ZIP content (required)
        formDef - the form definition (required)
        formXml - the form seed data XML document (required)
        userAccount - the account of the user deploying the form (required)
        the created or updated form entity
        IOException - if an i/o error occurs
      • deploy

        public Form deploy​(byte[] appBundle,
                           JsAppDeployService.FormDef formDef,
                           Document formXml,
                           UserAccount userAccount,
                           String tmMinVersion)
                    throws IOException
        Deploy the JS App using the specified app bundle ZIP, form definition JSON and form XML data document.
        appBundle - the application bundle ZIP content (required)
        formDef - the form definition (required)
        formXml - the form seed data XML document (required)
        userAccount - the account of the user deploying the form (required)
        tmMinVersion - the minimum supported TM version (optional)
        the created or updated form entity
        IOException - if an i/o error occurs