Class ErrorLogDao

  • public class ErrorLogDao
    extends AbstractDao
    Provides a DAO for the ErrorLog entity.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • ErrorLogDao

        public ErrorLogDao()
    • Method Detail

      • getErrorLogForId

        public ErrorLog getErrorLogForId​(Object id)
        Return the error log record with the specified OID
        id - the OID
        the matching error log record, or null if not found
      • getErrorLogList

        public Iterable<Map> getErrorLogList​(String clientId,
                                             String errorId,
                                             String submissionId,
                                             String portalId,
                                             String name,
                                             String messageFilter,
                                             String message,
                                             Date startDate,
                                             Date endDate)
        Return the list of error log records matching the specified search criteria.
        clientId - the OID of the client associated with the error log entry (optional)
        errorId - the error log OID (optional)
        submissionId - the OID of the submission associated with the error log entry (optional)
        portalId - the OID of the associated portal (optional)
        name - the error log name (optional)
        messageFilter - the message filter
        message - a substring of the error message (optional)
        startDate - the lower bound on the error time (optional)
        endDate - the upper bound on the error time (optional)
        the list of matching error log records
      • getErrorLogList

        public List<ErrorLog> getErrorLogList​(String clientId,
                                              String errorId,
                                              String submissionId,
                                              String portalId,
                                              String name,
                                              String messageFilter,
                                              String message,
                                              Date startDate,
                                              Date endDate,
                                              String errorType,
                                              boolean criticalError,
                                              boolean groovyError,
                                              String serverNodeId,
                                              int offset,
                                              int pageSize)
        Return the list of error log records matching the specified search criteria.
        clientId - the OID of the client associated with the error log entry (optional)
        errorId - the error log OID (optional)
        submissionId - the OID of the submission associated with the error log entry (optional)
        portalId - the OID of the associated portal (optional)
        name - the error log name (optional)
        messageFilter - the message filter
        message - a substring of the error message (optional)
        startDate - the lower bound on the error time (optional)
        endDate - the upper bound on the error time (optional)
        errorType - the type of error (optional)
        criticalError - specify whether a critical error
        groovyError - specify whether a groovy script error
        serverNodeId - the server node ID (optional)
        offset - the offset to be used in the query
        pageSize - the number of items to be returned
        the list of matching error log records
      • purgeErrorLog

        public int purgeErrorLog​(int maxAgeDays,
                                 int fetchLimit,
                                 long maxTimeMs)
        Delete error log records older than a specified number of days
        maxAgeDays - The age in days above which records will be deleted. If this value is negative or equal to 0, no records will be purged.
        fetchLimit - the maximum number of records to delete (only used if > 0)
        the number of records that were deleted
      • getSubmissionErrors

        public List<ErrorLog> getSubmissionErrors​(Object submissionId)
        Return the list of error log entries associated with a submission (note: the query uses the generic fetch limit and is thus used in lieu of submission.getErrors() for performance reasons)
        submissionId - the OID of a valid submission
        the list of error log entries for the submission
      • getJobActionErrors

        public List<ErrorLog> getJobActionErrors​(Object jobActionId)
        Return the list of error log entries associated with a submission (note: the query uses the generic fetch limit and is thus used in lieu of submission.getErrors() for performance reasons)
        jobActionId - the OID of a valid submission
        the list of error log entries for the submission
      • getErrorLogTrendData

        public List<Pair<Date,​Integer>> getErrorLogTrendData​(String errorType,
                                                                   Object portalId,
                                                                   boolean criticalError,
                                                                   boolean groovyError,
                                                                   Date startDate,
                                                                   Date endDate)
        Return error log trend data for time period and criteria.
        errorType - the error type (optional)
        portalId - the OID of the portal to filter on (optional)
        criticalError - is a critical error
        groovyError - is a groovy error
        startDate - the start date/time (required)
        endDate - the end date/time (required)
        trend data for the selected period