Class Result

  • public class Result
    extends Object
    Provides the FormCmdTestRunner test Result class.
    • Field Detail

      • name

        public final String name
        The test name.
      • statusCode

        public final int statusCode
        The HTTP result status code.
      • responseBody

        public final String responseBody
        The HTTP response body.
      • responseMap

        public final Map responseMap
        The HTTP response body JSON map.
      • txn

        public final Txn txn
        The submission object resulting from the test execution.
      • assertionErrors

        public final List<String> assertionErrors
        The list of test execution assertion errors.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Result

        public Result​(String name,
                      int statusCode,
                      String httpResponse,
                      Map responseMap,
                      Submission submission,
                      List<String> assertionErrors)
        Create an immutable test Result object.
        name - the test name
        statusCode - the HTTP status code
        httpResponse - the response body
        responseMap - the JSON response map
        submission - the test submission
        assertionErrors - the test assertion errors
    • Method Detail

      • isValid

        public boolean isValid()
        Return true if the test has no test assertion failures.
        true if the test has no test assertion failures.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        toString in class Object
        a string representation of the object.