Class SubmissionFormat

  • public class SubmissionFormat
    extends Object
    Provides a formatter populating submission information into a pattern string. Currently the following pattern elements are supported:
     [day], [month], [year]: replaced with the numerical (unpadded) day, month and year components of the submission time
     [id]: replaced with the submission OID
     [submitKey]: replaced with the submit key
     [receiptNumber]: replaced with the receipt number
     [trackingCode]: replaced with the tracking code
    • Field Detail

      • pattern

        protected String pattern
    • Constructor Detail

      • SubmissionFormat

        public SubmissionFormat​(String pattern)
        Create a new instance based on the given pattern string.
        pattern - the pattern string
    • Method Detail

      • format

        public String format​(Submission submission)
        Return the formatted string based on the pattern and the given submission.
        submission - the submission (required)
        the formatted string