Changes to Our Product Names

   PlatformApplicable to all products in Temenos Journey Manager.  |   All Personas |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Avoka is now a part of Temenos. In December 2018 Temenos announced and completed the acquisition of Avoka. Temenos chose Avoka to further its leadership with a digital banking product focused on customer experience, and has integrated Avoka as the Journey Manager product in the newly announced Temenos Infinity suite of products.

As part of the integration with Temenos, all product names have been changed and reflected in our documentation. Both names now appear in the labels at the top of each topic. Refer to the table below to see the original and new product names.

Original Name (Avoka) New Name (Temenos)
Transact Platform Journey Platform
Transact Manager Journey Manager
Transact Maestro Journey Maestro
Transact Insights Journey Analytics
Avoka Exchange Journey Exchange
Transact SDK Journey SDK
Transact Open UX Journey Open UX
Springboard Journey Springboard

For example, if you are looking for the Transact Manager Overview topic, you should now search for the Journey Manager Overview.

Name Changes from the original Knowledge Base

We have always believed in providing high quality documentation. Prior to hosting on, we hosted the Knowledge Base via our Confluence portal at Since then, the platform and its products evolved, and we rewrote our content as topic-basedTopic-based authoring is a modular approach to content creation where content is structured around topics that can be mixed and reused in different contexts. articles and improved its accessibility and search capability with the Algolia search engine.

The improvements are quite significant, affecting the structure, look and feel of the content and its discovery, so we recommend you become familiar with the website by checking our getting started page. If you are experiencing difficulties locating old KB documentation, we have mapped the most popular old KB content with the new topics, which are the entry points to all related content. Check the tables below to see how of the old KB articles map to new documentation topics.

Old KB Articles New Documentation Topics

Transact Manager Administration Guide

Journey Manager Overview

Transact Manager Configuration

Journey Manager Home Dashboard


Organizations Overview

User Accounts

User Accounts Overview

Form Spaces

Form Spaces Overview

System Logs

System Logs

Configure Virus Scanning for Attachments

Symantec Attachment Virus Scanning Service

ClamAV Attachment Virus Scanning Service

Core Global Services

Core Global Services Overview

Maestro Form Configuration in TM

Form Dashboard


Multi-Environment Support

Server Nodes

Server Nodes Overview

Outgoing Email

Outgoing Email Service Overview


If you can't find an article you are looking for, but you remember its name as it was in the KB, try to search for that name using our Algolia search engine.

Next, learn about our new documentation.