WorkspacesThis topic relates to Journey Workspaces | Workspaces UserIncludes bank staff, helpdesk, relationship managers, and managers | This feature was introduced in the 19.05 releaseThis feature was updated in the 23.04 release
Some of the text and images below may not match what you see in your Journey Workspaces app. This is because the features described are based on a default Journey Workspaces configuration, and your Workspaces app may be configured differently; for example, with your company's branding, with fields for other information, or with a custom layout. Nevertheless, the features described work the same way in every Workspaces app.
Customer service needs, such as for relationship management, are supported in Workspaces via the inclusion of an Assisted Channel space. In its default configuration, the Assisted Channel space includes a List screen and a Details screen that are configured with features designed to make relationship management activities fast and efficient, so that you can focus on providing a great customer experience.
The List screen in the Assisted Channel space includes all the standard features of a Workspaces List screen.
The Assisted Channel space's List screen displays a list of applications that you created or that have tasks assigned to you, taking into consideration the global filters, the current view and any active search, filter and sort options. The Form / Product Type selector shows which form / product types the applications in the list relate to, and the name of the current view is highlighted in the Views selector. The list of applications displayed can be further refined using the filter and sort options. Filtering restricts which applications are displayed in the list, and sorting determines the order that items appear in the list. To learn more about these options, see Filter the Item List and Sort the Item List.
Once you've found the application you're interested in, you can select it in the item list to perform an action on it. In addition to these actions, you can also start a new application on behalf of an existing customer or new applicant. To learn about the available actions, see Actions below.
The Details screen in the Assisted Channel space includes all the standard features of a Workspaces Details screen.The Details screen displays comprehensive information about an application and a selected task, and provides access to the Assisted Channel actions. Each of the following features is contained in a separate container (pane, card or section).
To learn about any of these features, click the links above or see The Application Details Screen if you're using Workspaces 23.04 or later and The Application Details Screen (22.10 and earlier) if you're using an earlier Workspaces release.
Prior to the 23.04 release, the application timeline is an interactive component where the user can select a task, add or view notes, and perform task actions. In the 23.04 release, these interactive features have been removed from the application timeline and, instead, are available in separate components. For details, see Task switcher, Notes, and Actions.
The following actions are available in the Assisted Channel space.
The Assisted Channel space. Descriptions of the other actions are available in the context of the Helpdesk space.
action is described below in the context of theExamples showing how to use all of these actions are available or linked below.
In a customer-focused role like a relationship manager, you want to be able to provide your customers with services that make their lives easier. Workspaces includes several features aimed at reducing friction in the application process. One of these is the action which allows you to kick-start applications on behalf of your customers.
Use the that you know, thereby accelerating the application process. You can work with your customer to enter all the necessary details, and then submit the application when it's ready.
action to start a new application for a customer and fill in the application detailsThe Assisted Channelspace'sList screen. When you click , a menu appears showing the list of available forms / product types. Select a form / product type to display the form and start filling in the application. When you finish filling in details, you can submit the application or save it so that you can continue it later. For more about how to continue an application, see View a Form.
button is available in the top right corner of theApplications you start in this way appear in the item list in the Assisted Channel space. This makes it easy for you to find an application to continue entering details, and then to monitor the application's progress once it has been submitted. The status of an unsubmitted application is Saved and its submitted date is blank. Once the application has been submitted, the action is no longer available and you cannot make any further changes to the application unless requested by bank staff during application processing.
An application started using the Journey Workspaces or a Temenos Journey Manager system. However, anonymous or unauthenticated users who start an application from an external website, such as an online banking website, will not be able to access their applications.
action can only be accessed by an authenticated user; that is, a user who is logged in toHandover of applications between authenticated and anonymous users is possible but may not be offered in an out of the box Temenos Journey Manager solution. If application handover is important to you, contact your Temenos Journey Manager representative to discuss how your solution can be customized to allow application handover where you need it in your application workflow.
Let's go step by step through some examples to demonstrate how you can use the Assisted Channel actions to provide better customer service.
There are examples for the following actions below.
Step-by-step examples are also available for other actions and features that you may need while assisting customers with applications. These examples are demonstrated in other spaces as indicated.
This example shows you how to kick-start an application on the List screen. In this example, we know some customer details which are entered before saving and closing the application.
Once the application has been saved, anyone assigned to the task can use the
action to resume the application later. Also, if the customer has received a save confirmation email, this will include a link they can click to resume the application.To resume the application using the action:
When you've finished entering application details, you can click Save and Close again if you need to add more details later, or Submit if you're ready to submit the application now.