Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. | Platform Developer | All versions This feature is related to all versions.
Manager allows you to create, edit and view properties of a selected form versions. You can use properties to define common reusable form elements. It can be a layout and content of a specific email message that include any required dynamic data, such as user and form details. In some cases, you need to write a script to make use of these elements. Properties are commonly used to prefill data of form versions dynamically so you don't need to update a form when data changes.
Another common example where you need form version properties is receipt customization, especially, the headers and footers of a receipt. For more information, see Receipt Headers and Footers Customization.
When creating a form version, Manager includes a standard set of properties for it with already prefilled default values. Form version's properties allow you to create properties to override the existing form space's and organization's properties.
Each form version maintains its own set of organization and form properties independently. This becomes important when you configure a form flow using a non-current form version as you must explicitly specify a form version number for the correct set of properties to be used. For example, ${submission.portal.contextPath}submission-saved.htm?submitKey=${submission.submitKey}&tmFormVersion=${submission.version.versionNumber}
. Otherwise, the current form version's properties is used.
To view form version properties:
You can also perform the following actions:
Before proceeding with the Sync Org Properties, it’s recommended backing them up, because the sync is done immediately without requesting any confirmation.
To create a new form version property:
If a property of a desired property type is already defined for this form version, this property type is not shown in the dropdown list, so you can't create another property of the same property type.
To edit a form version property:
Then click the form to see the form’s landing page, with the form description that was entered in the form version property, as shown below:
You may want to customize a form version property, for example, the form receipt email message by overriding the default Email Form Receipt Message property, which was initially created for a form space, as shown below:
Let's suppose you need to add contact details to the message. You locate the existing message and edit its value preserving the HTML format for the message as shown below.
Now, when a form user submits this form, an email message will include the customer service contact details. However, this override doesn't affect the email receipt messages for any other form.
Manager allows you to create a broad range of properties, not only form version specific ones, so that you can customize the whole form application including services and service connections, to name a few. For more information, see properties.
Next, learn how to configure form version attachment rules.