Transaction Status

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform.  |    System Manager / DevOps  |  18.11 This feature was updated in 18.11.

Manager allows you to check and modify a status of a transaction, so you can correct a transaction flow. When Manager creates a transaction, it assigns it a status based on the current progress of the transaction. You can also review relevant form's, receipt's, and delivery's properties pertaining to the current Transaction Status, which you can see in the form transactions list. This means that a different set of properties is shown for the same transactions as its status changes. Related properties are grouped into sections for easy understanding.

To check a transaction status:

  1. Select Operations > Form Transactions.
  2. Locate a transaction and click View.
  3. Select the Transaction Status tab.
    Manager check a transaction status
  4. Check the date and time when a form was opened in the Form Opened Time field.
  5. Check the date and time when the form was submitted or initially saved by the user in the Form Submitted Time field.
  6. Check the date and time of the form last activity, such as viewing or rendering, in the Last User Activity Time field.
  7. Check the date and time when the form was completed in the Form Completed Time field.
  8. Check the Save Challenge Data is selected for this form so users can resume form applications using the Save Challenge.
  9. Check whether this is an Insights transaction in the Insights Transaction field.
  10. Check whether the transaction history was created for this transaction in the Transaction History Created checkbox.
  11. Check the transaction status in the Form Status field.
  12. Check the PDF receipt status under the PDF Receipt Generator section.
  13. A receipt status can be one of the following:

    • Ready - a receipt is waiting to be allocated to a receipt generator.
    • In Progress - a receipt is in a receipt generator's queue.
    • Completed - a receipt has been generated.
    • Error - there is an error during receipt generation. A retry may fix it.
    • Error - No Data - there is no XML data available to generate a receipt.
  14. Click a link in the Delivery Channel field to view the configuration of a delivery channel used by this transaction.
  15. Check the Delivery Status of the transaction under the Transaction Data Delivery section. You can manually update the delivery status of the transaction depending on the transaction type and its current status.
  16. A delivery status can be one of the following:

    • Completed - a transaction has been successfully delivered, based on the configured delivery channel.
    • Undeliverable - a delivery is not possible. Check the error logs for further details of the error.
    • Not Ready - a transaction is not ready for delivery yet. This is the start state before a transaction has been completed by the user. Generally, the receipt render service will kick the transaction from this state to the Ready state when the receipt is rendered.
    • Not Required - a delivery is not required. It may be that this form is part of a collaboration job and the delivery is to be handled separately say as a consolidation of the transaction details from all the associated forms.
    • Ready - a transaction is ready to be delivered. A transaction will be marked as Ready until the delivery channel is processed, or it may remain marked as Ready if a delivery channel is not configured.
    • In Progress - a delivery has been started but is waiting to be completed.
    • Paused - a transaction delivery is paused. This transaction's status can be changed by some other means, for example by a Groovy Scheduled Task.
    • Error - a transaction delivery has failed and is waiting to be retried.
    • Sent Email - a secure email has been sent and now a transaction is waiting for the user to log in and process it.
    • Pending

  17. Check the form's delivery time in the Delivery Time field.
  18. Check the Delivery Message field to see an additional information on how the form was delivered.
  19. Check what delivery method was used for this form in the Delivery Method field, for example, Delivery Process.
  20. Check how many delivery attempts it has taken to deliver a form in the Delivery Attempts field.
  21. Click a collaboration job number in the Collaboration Job field to view the collaboration job details. This is only applicable if this form is configured to be used with collaboration jobs.
  22. Check the collaboration job status in the Job Status field.
  23. Check the Transaction Data Purging section to see when this transaction is to be purged or it has been already purged. If the Transaction Data Deleted checkbox is selected, then the PII data was purged. Check the Actual Transaction Data Purge and Scheduled Transaction Data Purge times to understand when it was purged. Check the Scheduled Transaction Record Purge time to see when the transaction data record is due to be deleted. For example, from the transaction details below we can tell that the PII data was purged (the Transaction Data Deleted is selected) a few minutes after it had been scheduled to be purged (the Actual Transaction Data Purge and Scheduled Transaction Data Purge). Also, the transaction data record is due to be deleted on the 25 March 2018 (the Scheduled Transaction Record Purge). Note that after the 25 March, this transaction along with its submission details will no longer exist. Only a transaction history record remains, which contains some details about the transaction.
  24. Click Purge PII Data to purge only PIIPersonally Identifiable Information (PII) is information about an individual that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual‘s identity, such as name, social security number, date and place of birth, mother‘s maiden name, or biometric records; and any other information that is linked to an individual. In Europe, PII is known as personal data. data of this transactions. Active transactions will be abandoned, if they are not already abandoned.  |   18.11 This feature was introduced in 18.11.
  25. Click Purge Transaction to purge this transaction immediately. Active transactions will be abandoned, if they are not already abandoned.  |   18.11 This feature was introduced in 18.11.
  26. Note

    You can purge PII data and transactions in bulk.

  27. Click Save to update the changes.

You can use Fluent API to retrieve transaction status details, for example, a transaction's Last User Activity Time.


def txn = new TxnQuery()
    .setTrackingCode("1234567") // change for your transaction


Next, learn how to track submissions.