Google Analytics Virtual Page Integration

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The Temenos Journey Manager allows you to add page tracking using Google Analytics (GA), so each page will fire a page view event with a title and URL, which you can analyze to improve user onboarding. You can easily add GTMGoogle Tag Manager (GTM) is a tag management system (TMS) that allows you to quickly and easily update tracking codes and related code fragments collectively known as tags on your website or mobile app. to a Maestro form using Journey Manager and Journey Maestro tools. The simplified steps are outlined below. For detailed instructions, including Google Tag Manager configuration, see how to add Google Tag Manager to a Maestro form.

To add GA to your web app form:

  1. Add GA code to the head of the page in Manager.
  2. Create a Business Rule to call the GA method on page change in Maestro. You need to configure the Maestro form business rules with the following JavaScripts:
    • On Form Load:
    • // Init the global variable used to store the form story for GTM
      dataLayer.push({event: "Form started"});
      window.addPageToGTMTag = function() {
        var currentPage = Form.getCurrentPageId();
        dataLayer.push({ event: currentPage});
      // Function to add Google Tag Manager leaving page event
      window.addGTMLeavingPageTag = function() {
        // Push this event to GTM 
        var currentPage = "leaving_" + Form.getCurrentPageId();
        dataLayer.push({ event: currentPage});
      // Function to add the Google Tag Manager iFrame to the form
      function addGTMTag() {
        $('body noscript').first().prepend('<iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe>');
    • On Page Load:
    • // Push this event to GTM
    • On Continue (Next Page Action):
    • // Push leave event to GTM
  3. Use Google Analytics tool to view reports on user form usage.

Next, learn about Temenos Journey Manager platform development.