Temenos Journey Manager for Developers

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As a developer, you want to build user experiencesCustomer Experience (CX) is the product of an interaction between an organization and a customer over the duration of their relationship. This interaction is made up of three parts: the customer journey, the brand touchpoints the customer interacts with, and the environments the customer experiences (including digital environment) during their experience. A good customer experience means that the individual's experience during all points of contact matches the individual's expectations. that differentiate your digital products from competitors. Unfortunately, that also means that you need to handle many things that cross from front-end to back-end services and develop features that a front-end can't always manage. That’s where the Temenos Journey Manager comes in handy as it gives you the ability to create best in class customer journeys for financial services.

Temenos Journey Manager platform provides critical services for customer acquisition and onboarding, including:

Because we take care of developing, testing, and maintaining these complex features, organizations can focus on designing an effective customer journey without dealing with the complexity of the underlying platform.

Each customer journey is made of one or several web applications, also referred to as forms, which are hosted on and managed by Journey Manager. Our platform provides developers with two distinct paths for building web applications:

Journey Maestro Design Environment

Journey Maestro is the customer experience development environment of the Temenos Journey Manager platform, purpose-built for the creation of financial customer experiences. It's a design tool that enables trained developers and forms designers to create, visualize, integrate third-party services, test, deploy, and iterate a financial customer journey. Typically, a user action triggers an integration. And often, there is a moderately sophisticated user interface that needs to communicate with the service. These can sometimes be challenging to design, build and test. To simplify this, we provide well-designed and implemented user interfaces for each of our integrations. And while not every integration has a user interface, many do.

To build applications in Maestro, developers are required to have the following skills:

Open UX Environment

The Temenos Open UX is a Software Development Kit (SDK), including REST APIsREST or RESTful API design (Representational State Transfer) is designed to take advantage of existing protocols. While REST can be used over nearly any protocol, it usually takes advantage of HTTP when used for Web APIs., that enables skilled ReactJSReactJS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. developers to create complex web applications that run on Manager. ReactJS developers, with their own IDEIntegrated Development Environment. and development tools, may choose our Open UX as the most efficient path to creating different user experiences. Banks with established UX development teams, especially those using JavaScript frameworks such as ReactJS, can use the services of Open UX to focus on their customer onboarding experience, while treating infrastructure as a “solved problem”, eliminating much of the routine complexity accompanying UX development. Open UX is transparent to existing development pipelines, allowing bank teams to reuse and retain their investment in UX, design, and development environments while taking advantage of the Temenos Journey Manager platform services.

To build Open UX web applications, developers are required to have the following skills:

  • ReactJS
  • IDEs
  • UX development expertise


The Temenos Journey Manager platform advantage is its capability to integrate with a wide range of third-party services. There are two types of integrations:

Native Integration

It uses a combination of Groovy scripting language, plus several libraries and services that the Temenos Journey Manager platform provides. Groovy is a scripting language that most developers will find simple to learn and powerful to use. The libraries provided alongside Groovy make it easy to invoke third-party services using SOAP, REST or HTTP, perform data transformations, and more.

Our Temenos Journey Manager platform also comes with a wide range of pre-built third party integrations available from the Exchange.

3rd Party Integration

Instead of doing the bulk of the computational work in Groovy and having it run within the Temenos Journey Manager platform, you can create the logic in a third-party integration and simply invoke it from your application during the appropriate life cycle event. The integration platform will perform the service invocations, data translations, and so on, using its capabilities. There are extensive Transact Fluent API that can be called if the integration needs to call back into the platform to retrieve or update transaction information.

Developers depend on the built-in features for routine services, pre-built integrations, and apply their knowledge to rapidly extend the functionality to meet their specific needs. In this case, they require Java and GroovyGroovy is a powerful scripting language which runs on the Java Virtual Machine. Across theTemenos Journey Manager platform, Groovy is used to create services in Manager. These services are primarily used to create plug-in style systems that interact with Manager. skills.

Next, learn about the complete range of software development technologies and programming languages you can use in our platform.