MaestroThe UI design product. | Form Builder | 18.05 This feature was introduced in 18.05.
Journey Maestro allows you to create multiple versions of each library, so you can achieve the following:
Maestro provides a convenient UI to perform the following actions on library versions:
Each new library version has a unique version number. The recommended versioning approach uses version numbers in the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. For example, the first version of a library might have a version number of 1.0.0.
You may have a preferred or mandated scheme that defines how version numbers are allocated. In addition such a scheme, consider the following when you need to select a new library version number:
To view all versions of a library, select a library from the Navigator pane. The versions will be sorted based on their version number, in descending order meaning that more recent library versions appear at the top of the list. For example, version 1.0.2 of a library appears higher in the list than version 1.0.1.
When a library is created, a default version number is assigned to it. All libraries created for a project start at the same version, The default version number assigned to a library is the Default Initial Library Version which is defined in the Project Details and has the default value "1.0.0".
To change the Default Initial Library Version:
After making this change, all libraries created for this project will start with this newly defined version number.
The recommended value for the Default Initial Library Version is "1.0.0".
We recommend that you learn about form versions.
Next, learn how to create a library version.