MaestroThe UI design product. | Form Builder | All versions This feature is related to all versions.
Maestro comes with the Text Display component (widget), which allows you to display rich textual context, such as icons, HTML code, and JavaScript, to users. The component invokes the Rich Text editor where you can edit this textual content.
As opposed to the iFrame component, which accepts a static URL only, the Text Display allows you to configure a dynamic URL, which is assembled at runtime. This functionality let you to embed various documents, such as legal statements, disclosures and term and conditions (T&Cs), into a form and present them to form users as per a journey flow.
To embed a PDF file into a form:
<iframe id="iframePdf" scrolling="auto" src="{{'servlet/FormDynamicDataServlet', 'resources/dummy-pdf-file.pdf')}}" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"> </iframe>
The following properties are available to the Text Display component:
Text label
${{((+data.amount) / (+data.term * + data.frequency)).toFixed(2)}}
, which is calculated in the Preview mode and on the rendered form. However, in the Design mode, the Text Display displays any embedded data in its raw form, and doesn't attempt to evaluate any embedded calculations.<p><i class="fas fa-exclamation-circle declined-icon"></i></p>
<p>Sorry, but we're unable to approve you online at this time.</p>
<p>Please use this reference number if you need to contact us about your application:</p>
Boolean enableHeadingFocus
Next, learn about the Form Footer component.