Preview Mode

   MaestroThe UI design product.  |   Form Builder |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

The Maestro editor comes with the preview feature that allows you to quickly render a Maestro form so you can see how it will look when it's built and published, as well as try out some of form's functionality. This is a handy feature for Form Builders who need to render forms often to validate changes they make.

To open a form in the preview mode:

  1. Open a form in the Maestro editor and click Preview in the toolbar.
  2. Maestro editor preview mode

  3. Click Screens and select a screen type from the dropdown list to see how the form will look and behave on a selected screen size. The screen type can be one of the following:
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large
    • Fullscreen
  4. Click Devices and select a device from the dropdown list to preview the form on that device. The device can be one of the following:
    • Apple iPad
    • Apple iPhone 4
    • Apple iPhone 6
    • Apple iPhone 6s
    • Apple iPhone 6 Plus
    • Google Nexus 7
    • Samsung Galaxy S7

    This does not actually run the form on the device, but rather shows how the form will render.

    Click Rotate to toggle the orientation of the form between portrait and landscape.

  5. Select a receipt type from the Receipt dropdown list, which can be one of the following:
    • PDF Receipt
    • HTML Receipt: An HTML receipt allows you to interactive with form fields in preview which is very useful for debugging forms.
  6. Click Design to exit the preview mode.

Next, learn about Maestro's organizations.