Set an Extension Point

   MaestroThe UI design product.  |   Form Builder |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

A new template that you create in Maestro doesn't come with extension points by default. You must add them manually to the areas where you want to restrict access to certain parts of a form. Once an extension point is set, Form Builders have the ability to add, remove or modify the elements within a container that is set as an extension point. The container's content now belongs to a form, so any changes made to this content in the template won't be automatically propagated to the form. This is an expected behavior and you should be aware of this when setting up extension points.

To set an extension point in a template:

  1. Open a template in the Maestro editor.
  2. Click the View tab and expand Form.
  3. Select a container, for example Content, and right-click on it.

    We recommend applying an extension point to Content or Dialogs and Modal Pages content areas only.

  4. Select Set as extension point from the dropdown list to apply the extension point.

    Currently, Form has the extension point configured, which is represented with the unlocked padlock icon.

    Maestro editor setting an extension point
  5. Click OK to confirm or click Cancel if you don't want to proceed.
    The warning message tells you that the extension point is being removed from Form, which means that other areas within the form structure will no longer be available in the form.

    Be aware that changes to extension points may affect content within existing forms that are using that template.

    The Content now has the extension point, which is represented with the unlocked padlock icon.
  6. Click Save to update the template.

Repeat the process above, if you need to add more extension point, for example, for Metadata and Narrator Controller under the Nuts & bolts container. You should notice the unlocked padlock icon next to each of the items that are set as an extension point.


You must publish the template or re-publish it again for the change to the extension point to take effect in forms that use it.

Maestro allows you to restrict an Extension Point. That is, if there are multiple containers underneath a current extension point, you can set the extension point further down in the tree. However, you can only have one extension point within each level of the hierarchy. To reset back to a higher level in the hierarchy, set the extension point at a higher level - all lower levels will be automatically removed.

Next, learn how to remove an extension point.