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DocuSign API calls using legacy username/password authentication will fail worldwide from March 2023

To continue calling DocuSign APIs after this date, you must login to your DocuSign account as an administrator and make changes to enable OAuth in your Integration Apps. You must then grant one-time consent to allow ongoing OAuth authentication for your DocuSign API user. You can continue to use your existing API user once you grant this consent to them.


The Knowledge team is proud to announce that they have recently launched a new and improved Search Function.  Users now have much better control when searching for a topic which also results in better results.  In addition, Searches now analyse  data across all content within the website (announcements, documentation, API docs, articles, etc).  This results in a much more powerful search function which provides better results.


Every time a form applicant interacts with a form, Journey Manager creates or updates a transaction to track the progress of a form application and therefore provide the best customer journey experience.