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Every time a user submits an application form, Temenos Journey Manager (TJM) creates a transaction (also known as a form submission) to track a progress of that form.

There can be several different outcomes of how the form is processed, depending on a specific work-flow, but the essential result is that the form is either completed or abandoned. This, in turn, marks transactions either completed or abandoned.

As you can imagine, over time, there are a lot of abandoned transactions that TJM has to manage. Even though, it's designed to handle a great number of transactions, it's not a System of Records meaning that only some transactions will stay whilst others must be deleted every now and then to maintain the optimum performance of the system. This process is known as data retention and data purging.

TJM provides an automated process to handle abandoned transactions and tasks, and you can also do it manually to correct a transaction. It's important to understand the rules that govern TJM to automatically abandon draft submissions.