System Licensing

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform.  |    System Manager / DevOps  |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Journey Manager is a licensed product, so you must have a valid license to run it. Our licensing model includes an automated transaction licensing report, which Manager generates periodically and sends it to our servers. The report contains daily summaries on the number of submissions, broken down by organizations and other metrics, such as number of completed transactions. For this to work, you must configure Manager with licensing details, which we provide to you.


You must have an Administrator role to view and configure the license details.

To view and configure the system licensing details of your server:

  1. Select System > System Licensing.
    Manager edit system licensing details
  2. Enter the Transact License Key provided to you by Temenos. Manager will populated all other read-only fields below from this license key, so you don't need to enter any additional information.
  3. Note

    A separate license key must be entered for every Journey Manager instance as well as every Journey Manager version upgrade of the instance.

  4. The Licensee Customer Code is provided by Temenos, for example, My Company.
  5. The License Name is the name of your Journey Manager system, for example, My Company UAT.
  6. The License Type is a type of the license of your Manager system.
  7. The Environment Type you are licensed for, for example, DEV, TEST, UAT, STAG, and PROD.
  8. The License ID is the unique code identifying your Manager system for licensing purposes.
  9. Click Save to update the changes.
  10. Click Run Licensing Job to run the transaction licensing report manually, which will also upload the data to Temenos. When the job is run, you check the details of the last transaction licensing job, its status, for example Normal, time it was run, and when the next scheduled job will be run.

    By default, the transaction licensing report is run nightly.

Next, learn how to check system health.