Change Transaction Status

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform.  |    System Manager / DevOps  |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Manager allows you to change a status of a form transaction manually, for example, change its status from an Abandoned to a Saved status.


Only a Manager administrator can change an abandoned transaction status to Saved.

Manager provides you with the following methods to change a transaction status:

Method 1

To change a transaction status :

  1. Select Operations > Form Transactions, or select Operations > Saved Transactions, or select Forms > Form.
  2. Locate a form and click ID in the Latest Transactions section.
  3. Find a transaction you want to update and click View.
  4. Select the Transaction Status tab.
    Manager abandon a transaction
  5. Select a desired form status from the Form Status dropdown list, which can be: Saved or Abandoned.
  6. Click Save to update the changes.
  7. Check the updated transaction status in either abandoned transactions or saved transactions.

Method 2

To change a transaction status:

  1. Select Operations > Abandoned Transactions.
  2. Locate a transaction and click Make Abandoned Transaction Saved.
    Manager change a transaction status
  3. Click OK to confirm. The transaction is moved from the abandoned transactions to the saved transactions.

Next, learn how to configure form abandonment.