Test a Form

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. |   Platform Developer  |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Manager allows you to test a form without opening it in the Maestro editor, so you can check how the form will appear to a form user. The form is rendered using its configuration, such as organization and form properties, attachments and user data prefill.

Testing a form is similar to rendering it, however the form request is treated as if a form user had requested a new form. In which case, you are directed to the landing page, where you may get additional options depending on the user's form space, for example, the login. The landing page takes you to the form, which you can then fill in, submit and make payments or attach supporting documentation as needed.

Usually, you test a form to validate its behavior from the Form Dashboard, which allows you to test the form in both the production and test modes. You can also test the form by finding and opening them in the user's form space. However, this may show you only active forms in production mode, depending on how the form space is configured.

The Dashboard allows you to use both the Landing and Friendly URLs to the forms:

  • Landing URL - http://www.host.com/tmportal/landing.htm?formCode=lf-exp
  • Friendly URL - http://www.host.com/tmportal/exp/local-form/ , which uses the client code (exp) and the form name (local-form) to form the URL. When creating the friendly URL, Manager converts the client code and form name to lower case and replace spaces with dashes (-), and then remove duplicate dashes. In addition, ampersands (&) are converted to (and), and all other non-alphanumeric characters are stripped out.

To test a form:

  1. Open a form in the Form Dashboard.
  2. Click the Landing Page link or the Friendly URL link next to the form space where you want to test the form. The landing page for the form will be loaded in a new browser tab where you can fill it in normally to validate its functionality.

Next, learn how to configure Form Test Mode.