Journey Space Account

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. |   System Manager / DevOps |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Journey Space allows you to manage the user account and profiles, as well as change a password.

To configure an account:

  1. Click a profile icon or the Account tab.
    Work space portal account configuration
  2. Select Account to update your details.
  3. Check and update your details and select the Receive Notifications checkbox to allow Manager to send you email notification on various activities, such as tasks and reviews.
  4. Select Change Password to change your password.
  5. Select Manage Profile to create new or update an existing profile.
    Work space portal manage profile.
  6. Select an existing user profile to view or edit it or click Delete Profile to remove it.
    Work space portal update profile.
  7. Provide a profile name and description, complete all personal details. Click Save to update the changes.
  8. Click Create New Profile to create a new profile.
    Work space portal create a new profile.
  9. Provide all required information and click Save to create a new profile.
  10. Select Logout to exit Journey Space. You will be redirected to the home page.

Next, learn about the Home tab.