Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. | System Manager / DevOps | 24.04This feature was updated in 24.04
Manager allows you to view and manage scheduled jobs, which can be standard scheduled job as well as custom ones that you create.
To view scheduled jobs, select System > Scheduled Jobs.
Scheduled jobs are shown page by page, with the maximum number of records per page configured in the users preferences.
The list displays the following details:
server node.If Manager is configured to use multiple server nodes, the job scheduler runs only on a one node. You must log on to the Journey Manager Home Dashboard of that node to make changes to the scheduled jobs.
You can also perform the following actions:
You can also disable a scheduled job by setting an end date after which will no longer be run by the scheduler.
This action is only available for scheduled jobs that execute a service of the Scheduled Service Job type.
Next, learn how to create a scheduled job.