Design Mode Toolbar

   MaestroThe UI design product.  |   Form Builder |   18.05 This feature was updated in 18.05.

When your open a design in the Maestro editor in Design Mode, all design types have access to the following options in the toolbar:

Icon Label Description
Display Left Panel Toggle the display of the left panel.
Display Left Panels Side-By-Side Toggle the display of two panes at a time within the left panel.
Design Switch to Design mode.
Code Switch to Code mode.
Preview Switch to Preview mode.
Save Save the form. This button will be disabled if there are no changes to be saved.
Undo Undo the most recent action.
Redo Redo the most recent action that was undone.
Cut Cut the selected component.
Copy Copy the selected component.
Paste Paste the last component cut or copied to the clipboard.
Delete Delete the selected component.
History Open a dialog to view a log of actions you've taken within the Maestro Editor.
Settings Open a menu with a range of (less frequently used) options.
Display Right Panels Side-By-Side Toggle the display of two panes at a time within the right panel.
Display Right Panel Toggle the display of the right panel.

If you open the Save dropdown, the following options are available:

Label Description
Save this Version Save the current version of the design. This is the same behavior as clicking the Save button.
Save as New Version Save a new version of the design. A dialog will open for defining the new version number.

If you open the Settings dropdown, the following options are available:

Label Description
Show Grid Toggle the display of dashed borders around components in the wireframe.
Show IDs in Tree Toggle the display of component IDs instead of labels in the View pane.
Show Labels in Model Tree Toggle the display of component labels instead of IDs in the Model pane.
Change Template Change the design's template.
Show Receipt Styles Toggle the display of receipt-specific styles in the wireframe.
Check for Duplicate Bindings View a list of components that have the same XML paths.
Check for Undefined Less Variables
Configure Preview Data Configure what data is displayed in Preview mode.
Open Data Mapper
Show Resource Summary View the file size of the resources (HTML, CSS, etc) embedded in the design.
Check Component Dependencies

Additional options are available for each specific design type.


While editing a form, the toolbar contains the following options:

Icon Label Description
Form Options

If you open the Build dropdown, the following options are available:

Label Description
Build and Download TM Form Version Build a form and download it as a ZIP file.
Build and Render Form Build a form and immediately open it in a new tab.
Build with Options Open the Build with Options dialog.


While editing a shared component, the toolbar contains the following options:

Icon Label Description
Component Options

If you open the Component Options dropdown, the following options are available:

Label Description
Rule Helpers
Rule Templates


While editing a template, the toolbar contains the following options:

Icon Label Description


While editing a receipt, the toolbar contains the following options:

Icon Label Description

If you open the Build dropdown, the following options are available:

Label Description
Build and Download TM Form Version Build a form and download it as a ZIP file.
Build and Render Form Build a form and immediately open it in a new tab.
Build with Options Open the Build with Options dialog.

The Build with Options dialog for a receipt has fewer options than it does for a form.