Journey Space Tasks

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. |   System Manager / DevOps |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Journey Space has the Tasks tab that lists saved forms, assigned tasks and submitted forms available to a user to start working on. Here, the submitted forms are ones that require additional attachments or payments and are not used the most. However, most collaboration jobs use the in-form transaction management features of the form space, which means the submitted forms will be empty.

To filter or search tasks:

  • Enter a search string, for example, a job name, in the search text field.
  • Select the time interval, when collaboration jobs were started, from the Last dropdown list The default is 90 days.
  • Select a collaboration job status from the Status dropdown list, which can be assigned, saved or submitted.
  • Select a form group from the Groups dropdown list, which can be:
    • Blank - for any tasks that are assigned to the user account that you are logged in with.
    • All Groups - for all form groups.
    • A chosen form group.

      This selection is only available if a form space has the Search Filter Group Select checkbox selected. For more information, see configure a form space properties.

  • Select the Group Items checkbox to show group items only .

A collaboration job creates tasks and assigns them to an authenticated or anonymous user, or a group. An assigned task can be one of the following service types:

  • Form Task - the form XML can be pre-filled. Assigned to a user or a group and displayed to secure users in the Task tab.
  • Review Task - the review task copies the form XML and attachments from a previous submission. Assigned to a user or a group and displayed to secure users in the Task tab.
  • Anonymous Task - the task can only be assigned to an email. The anonymous form XML can be pre-filled.

Next, learn about Journey Space history.