Configure System Event Publisher

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. |   System Manager / DevOps  |   20.05 This feature was updated in 20.05.

Manager version 18.05 and higher comes with the System Event Publisher, which you can use to publish events into various queues. Initially, Manager supported only AWS queues, but starting from the release 20.05, it also supports Azure queues.


A Manager administrator can configure the System Event Publisher.

To start using the System Event Publisher:

  1. Configure a service connection to connect to a queue. Use an AWS SQS service connection or AWS STS service connection for AWS cloud, or an Azure service connection for Azure cloud.
  2. Configure a system event publisher service: an AWS SQS System Event Publisher service for AWS cloud or Azure System Event Publisher Service for Azure cloud.
  3. Configure the external to Manager processes and systems to transfer, store and report on the raw data according to your requirements.

Once the configuration is complete:

Next, learn about different types of System Event Publisher events.