You can configure a server node to host one or several Manager servers.
To configure a server node:
Select System > Server Nodes.
Locate a service node and click Edit.
Provide a unique server name in the Server Name field. For example, my-server-node-1.
Provide an URL of the server node in the Server Node URL field. For example, http://my-server-node-domain-name:9080. You can use HTTP protocol (not HTTPS) because it's for internal communication between server nodes.
Specify a server host name or IP address in the Server Host Name or IP Address field.
Specify a server group where the server node belongs in the Server Group field.
Select the Form Space Portal Server checkbox if a server node handles public facing Internet traffic. It is not selected by default.
Select the Journey Manager Server checkbox to mark it as a Manageradmin dashboard server that supports development and operations staff.
Select the PDF Receipt Server checkbox to mark it as a background PDF receipt generator.