Valid After Change If Rule Overview

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The valid after change if rule is a validation rule that is used when you want to perform API based validation on a component, once the value in the component has changed. This rule validates locally, and only validates remotely when the value being validated has changed in some way. The valid after change if rule only runs after the value in the validated component has changed and the standard validation rule has passed.

The valid after change if rule should be used when there is an API call required to validate the value in a component. 

For example, when you use a regular email address component, you can do format validation using the browser (e.g. ensuring that the entered email address contains an @ symbol). However, this type of validation will not validate whether the entered email address actually exists. To validate if the email address actually exists, you can use the valid after change if rule to interrogate the mail server and create an API request to confirm that the entered email address actually exists and is valid. Interrogating the mail server using a standard validation rule is not appropriate as a standard validation rule gets called even if the value has not changed, whereas the valid after change if rule will only execute once the value in the component has changed. 

You should use both the standard validation rule and the Valid after change if rule together and the validate after change rule will only be called if the standard validation rule passes.

Next, learn how to create a valid after change if rule.