Configure Form Background Save Interval

   MaestroThe UI design product.  |   Form Builder |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Journey Maestro allows you to configure time intervals, in seconds, when a form is automatically saved in the background. Configuring background save intervals means that the form is saved at these defined intervals, for example every 40 seconds. This can be extremely useful when you are building large Maestro forms.

Once background save has been enabled for a Maestro form, a save interval can be configured.

To configure form background save intervals using Form Options:

  1. Open a Maestro form and click Form Options and select
  2. Select Transact Manager
  3. Click Auto Background Save Interval.
  4. Enter an interval duration in seconds, for example 40. Alternatively, use the arrow buttons in the textbox.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Build and Render Form to see how this rule is displayed when the form is built and rendered.

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