Form Space Hot Deployment

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. |   System Manager / DevOps |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Hot deployment of a form space is the process of updating a form space WAR file without restarting Manager. This enables developers to update a form space with few changes, re-build it as a WAR file, and then deploy it to Manager on-the-fly, so the changes can be available to the form users right away.

To perform a hot deployment, prepare a WAR file and then import it.

Use this functionality in a development environment only and restrict user’s access to form space import to prevent or minimize accidental or malicious deployment of WAR files that can potentially be very harmful to the Manager environment.


Do not use this feature to upgrade to a new version of Manager. Follow the Manager upgrade instructions instead. If you have already used this feature to upgrade, verify that your form space is operating as expected.

Next, learn how to migrate a form space.